Hi my name's rick shiels down here at trafford golf center in manchester and today.

I'm going to be testing the new titleist irons now we're down to the last one of testing this is the titleist mb forged it's the most bladed probably the least forgiving. And the one that's aimed for the lower handicappers i would say for at least single figures and less to be using this really i've tried all the other ones as well in the past the reason why they've not got shafts and i've been using the same shaft this is the kbs stiff steel uh tall shaft. So i've been getting the most honest results i can possibly get i'm gonna be hitting some real golf balls down here in manchester i've got flight scopes set up in the background. So i can give you some figures while i'm hitting them. But mainly just giving you kind of some information about the club and also giving you a bit of a feel and my honest opinion about it so we've like said we've hit the other. So i'm going to put them down on the floor. For the time being let me get some golf balls ready to hit and now this is the most bladed out of the ones that i've been testing. So i've tried the ap1 ap2 the cb now this is the envy the muscle back. And it is it's just got this little bit of muscle back here at the top um it's a forged head it's a beautiful looking club header it's got this really nice kind of just brushed finish all the way across it another couple of the clubs had brushed. And chrome this has just got brushed all the way through it and it's going to be the one that sits behind the golf ball the smallest now in the club heads the club heads again get slightly smaller as they go down into the lower lofts um into the lower lower iron sorry. So the kind of pitching wedge 99 they're much smaller heads and again it's that give that forgiveness to give that feel um not the forgiveness but also the shape shot shaping ability so we've got six irons down here now when i set that up behind the golf ball straight away it's a much smaller top line than any other ones that i've hit doesn't look as forgiving as the other ones but it does sit beautifully it's got really nice also kind of very shiny face to it. Yet this brushed chrome finish which looks really good so i'm going to hit these a couple of times oh there we go there's the non-forgiveness of it i've had a real bad first one there right off the toe. And you do just get punished you absolutely get punished unless you're hitting it smack bang out the middle every time that's better it's a better shot. But you can just tell from that first one as soon as you don't catch it in the middle of the bat you really do get get shot down again it's gonna it's not going quite as high as the other ones doesn't look like it's going quite as far either actually that's a little bit off the bottom of the club that time that's nice that's a nice shot i think where this will come into its own is the shot shaping ability of it that's a nice club shot if i do purposely try. And hit this one a little bit out the toe that was quite middle actually that's quite a nice little shot just a little draw offline let me just try. And hit some touch more out the toe oh there we go oh that wasn't nice didn't feel nice off the club head there at all and i've only just hit toe side of of middle reel it's just off the it's still on the grooves if i try and catch one a bit out the heel beware camera that wasn't too bad actually i did catch that heel side to center it's just got a little bit of fade on it now if i do try. And shape the golf ball like i said this is where if we in theory it should come into its own a little bit more with that forged head i'm gonna hit a draw first yep there she is nice little draw very easy to to maneuver the ball with this club hit a little fade fade one's not my most popular one that i hit just try. And cut across that touch more oh there we go that has faded quite a bit so very easy to maneuver just because it's got that kind of small versatile head it's quite easy to maneuver through the golf ball and it's nowhere near as forgiving as the other ones not even close it is designed. For you you're really better player um with practice i'm sure i'd probably hit it's a lot better it feels fantastic with that forged head and it sits gorgeous behind the golf ball there's no doubt about it. But it just doesn't give you that same forgiveness as the other ones do it's a club that's worth trying if you're a single figure handicapper. Or certainly aiming to get in single figures it's one that's that's trying but you've got the four other options or three other options i say that are definitely worth trying a bit more if you want a bit more forgiveness i would say definitely the ap1 is the most forgiving got the ap2 as being the second it kind of goes down in category really cb is the third most forgiving. And the mb is the fourth. And it's just not as forgiving as some of them kind of cavity back ones that you would look at possibly getting if you were a mid to single figure handicapper. So that was my review of the titleist mb forged guys do try check them out first before you do buy any it's worth definitely testing them get them on the launch one is to see what your numbers are. And do check me out on facebook. And twitter we've got links up in the description below and just up there at the top please do subscribe to the channel the more subscribers i get the more videos i'll do thanks. So much for watching my name has been rick shields down at trafford golf central manchester and that was my review of the new. For titleist irons thanks very much for watching you.