Right guys so we are back on the golf course again. But this is a miniature golf course this is called the tooth course uh here at orange county national we're here with brian taff hello everybody hey. So brian's done a video with us all already before uh teaching professional down here and incredibly nice guy mr finch teaching professional not so much a nice guy no very much a nice guy. And then.

Myself with lightsaber we're down here and we're gonna play a little three-hole stroke play event um event not sounding quite efficient what's up for grabs fries guys we just had lunch and we we did we've got a little gapping out in our schedule. So we thought we'd do a little quick three whole uh vlog around here this beautiful facility 114 yards to the flag yeah over a bit of water the edge of this water 58 degrees 58 degrees. For mr uh mr taft dropping the hammer that's on it is it going to sit on yeah is that good yeah that's good if you're not it's good if you're not sitting the vlog with brian you'll be you'll be struggling to find someone who hits the ball harder. And purer pete's feeling quite uh that's a good word inferior yeah compared to compared to mr uh mr brown threatened yeah threatened his quest. For 350 has been overshadowed brian's on a quest for 450. into wind right so what are you going with pete sandy a little sand 56. i think i'm going to change club in a minute fats i'll do that in a sec mr finch down it i'll be the right club oh it's sure that's annoying what did you go with 54 56 uh 56 i cannot yeah i'm gonna go 54 thank you brian appreciate that yeah that's up yeah i'll swap yeah i think yeah i think a full 54 would be good i might try. And skim it again try and skew it if you've not seen the little skin video was that on your channel yeah i did on one of the vlogs it was uh oh it's impressive actually yeah rick's hit like a vein of form since he's come out to the states inspired i think he's the word i don't i'm not getting too good. Yet coming in okay not bad over that ridge fraction shorter than yours brian yep it's all about there bud we're all pointing. For bird it's not wet positives in every situation so all uh all well and safely on the green pizza putting first quite quite a bit of a distance away to be fair i think we've missed club you. And me there pete so it's up the hill ryan's tending the flag down there he's playing with brian you kind of get delusions of grandeur how far he should be yeah exactly when we're three clubs behind him it's a big swinger isn't it well it is a bit wow wow am i playing stroke play that's certainly not that's certainly no give me down win dang wind it is how good are the greens on a short course they shouldn't be this good no not really in january different game out here folks come on let's start off with the bird my mark okay get in i just saw half a step then.

Wow too much wow that little half a step i took was to just shook the ground three that's a nice nice three though right yeah i'll take it nice three two one grab the camera. For hammer for the hammer for his bird i'll try and be less hairy turn mine turned joel didn't take it away three i think she's slightly up against the kosher. But yet he put it so well early this morning i'm sure he'll mop this one up quite nicely oh stayed out wide all right guys next.

Hole one over level pile of apart okay. So seventh hole on the tooth course this is uh it's a lovely little hole this is water in florida it's quite a lot we've not seen any gators. Yet can't wait for that um this is 106 yards down the hill wind off the left. And just behind the flag hopefully you can see on the video that's a big big big bank. So anything onto that bank is good isn't it brian yeah anything on to it'll come back to the hole anything over it is hard to keep from going in the water on the way back down what you hitting i've got another 58 here okay. So it's wind off the left currently a little bit downhill a little bit downwind as well just a bit oh this looks on it he's gonna rip down the slide oh it has come on hopefully he saw that guys and my zooming was uh adequate that is a great golf shot there we go there we go grumpy i'll let you play this one don't worry you can play in front of me what did you hit that right half of 58. half of 58. he's trying to figure out the ratio. So that works out his fourth fifth of the gap which means that was a great golf shot. But he actually landed on the top of the hill you that another yard and that was uh that was dead dead. And varied but great shot i've actually finished short of the pin now those things this looks good as well pete when are we gonna have the first youtube hole in one that's the question right now time is right now right now i'm gonna go throw it all the way. So good shots though that's an awesome shot though brian really i enjoyed that thank you enjoyed watching that guys i hope you enjoyed watching that at home give it a thumbs up give the hammer some loving come on mid laughter i always like getting inside finishing looks good all right wow good fun uh if you're not are you guessing you've seen that it's on the top hill exactly where i didn't want to be let's get down to the green. And uh see how this works out right you gotta check out the shot guys brian's just repairing his pitch mark there and it ripped down the banking and a foot away you don't need your putter brian that is a very well deserved bird it goes to one under sir well done i am absolutely dead my ball's just down the hill. And it's it's practically impossible it is if it's not my turn again in a minute i'd be very shocked honestly guys i've got to be honest guys i really don't know what rick's moaning about the other thing he's got to worry about here's the line oh i'm 6'5. And you can see rick's ball is probably about oh you'll be fine you'll be go away knock it guys i'm joking youtube expects nice i never thought i'd leave it you could have done much better than that really take it away if you yes i will could have done much better yes i will it stays at level i was quite nervous about that. But i hit it out of the toe on purpose to just dampen the shot a little bit so i thought that was a good way of playing that all right pete. For birdie to get back to level pretty much straight up the hill there track drop yeah well done nailed it good work two birdies one par all right guys. So we've come to the uh we've just skipped the eighth hole come and jump over tonight just because we're off to another fantastic golf course this afternoon aren't we brian yeah we are going to orlando yeah. And that's gonna feature on vinci's channel so stay tuned for that guys right this is believe it. Or not a part three that is 294 yards away this is a brian par three it makes it. For me it's a safe par four um and it's a bit downhill downwind and brian hitting what four iron z sorry zed 745 four iron sorry that that was four ryan people that was that was a four ryan that he said okay to be fair i don't know if this can get there. But i'm pretty sure three wood will go through it. So i'm gonna hit this as hard as i can see what happens well me. And pete are a three-wood ink. So come on the hammer let's get it out there oh my god get on oh my oh my god that's that's one of the greatest score shots i've ever seen in my life guys just just scroll down a little bit on the screen wherever you are now watching this. And click like that shot deserves the greatest like you've ever that's given yards four iron is it on the green they i don't know it pitch it pitch on the top of the bunker oh my god then.

Because that bunker's right up against the green it pitched on the side of me i saw it hit the top i don't know if it came down. Or went up oh my goodness oh yes please oh yes please right finch i put my five iron back i don't want to ruin his glory. So no it's going to be nice we have visitors in their country. But you know so don't don't cause a scene so so pete's got three wood yeah now i've got a three one i'm gonna make it look like i'm hitting it hard. But really i'm taking quite a lot off it really yeah i'll remind you guys 209 i'll just show you on here just in case you're not believing us 293 it says on there 293 par part three two nine three four iron is a lot less than a two nine four four right that's true you've seen the slo-mo's guys that was just incredible that was awesome that was right three-wood oh that's well done that's really good that's the best shot of it today.

I can't see it quite on the video is it on i think it's front left nice shot sir hey very much is that an easy one uh i hit it pretty well i ate it pretty well it was a nice easy one that i hit pretty well i've got one attack right wow all right. So put the driver back in about i better bring bring my a game then.

We got three wood through as well yeah oh new toy another one i don't swap clubs 14 clubs that's all he's got in this bag uh wow i don't really know what to say i've got to be honest it's coming around. And then.

Is it coming around side off a wee bit right it's not going to come much curvatures because it's downwind i think he was just towards the right bunker by the side of the green hit it great. But that's right i just who cares my mind had gone my mind is completely gone at that point let's go. And find out how close brian actually is well that was disappointing yeah it's here it's not got there it's still gone about 290 probably a pin there just over uh finches to the left this is brian just navigated past the bunker uh it did look amazing through the air we couldn't quite see. And i'm over to the right it's probably me first but we'll play we'll jump over to brian shot first and it's here let me guess 64. another one 64. right come on sir up and down for a nice little underpass score oh go go go go travel travel up travel go in travel it's on there there's the green for you florida yeah right finch a great great shot open a little green nicely nice work uh. So he's got a little pitch straight up in the middle of the green up and down wood uh trying to keep a lobby up there looking down would keep him at level par he's done what he said he would do skip a oh it's gonna keep going wow fast these greens all right we're gonna get mine rick's just found the he's pretty much level with the pin actually. So yeah we slightly underestimate one didn't we yeah i was going to say i thought it was going to be furthest away. And the fact that i was probably closer probably on the closest all right i'll get up top they still watch you at this what you've got uh 58 58.. So he's got to come up this hill over this ridge then.

Down to the green and these greens for a a par three course effectively the greens are awesome tricky shot here let's go he did warn us about the bemidji we have not heeded him. So far my worst chip today.

It's definitely a worse shot today.

So i think that's a four. For me to finish i think brian's give me that four. For me uh pete's got a chip in the pot hopefully not just a chip so i finished one over par three holes are on the password recall shane well that was 294 yeah i suppose. So it wasn't too bad uh take it out of so pete just ran through never stopped did it there yeah he's gonna play an interesting shot here. So he's got his 58 but he's actually going to play it like a putter that's because i got your 58. my 58. So i can't be bothered going to get my butter. So i'm playing an enforced interesting shot it's a leading edge shot leading edge oh it was online it was online pete one over finish you can have that sir right brian uh two puts. For the win because you won under at the moment two puts for the win yeah good lay up good lag put nice shot can't be too upset with a four on a 295 yard r3 yeah ultimate swagman you can answer that while you're putting that i don't care. So guys that was a little uh a little challenge short course challenge hopefully you enjoyed that i will get brian off the phone guys if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up. So that was nice a bit of fun that's good though uh let's say we're just down here orange county we're hiding over now to the country club of orlando orlando country club which sounds very posh um until we get we arrive. And then.

We're going to uh do another course vlog there's gonna be a vintage channel let's go. And see that go and subscribe click the link check him out and we will keep doing some more fun videos while we're out out here in orlando guys thanks. For watching that forum by the way click like for that thank you very much.