I'm going to show you three drills that you can do to make sure you strike the ball first. And then.

The turf after in golf it's crucial you get that club making contact with the ball to give it the most power the best efficiency the most consistency as soon as you start hitting the ground before the ball that's where you lose power and definitely lose consistency so in this video i'm going to show you three ways you can strike the ball. And then.

The turf after when hitting your iron shot that's where we want to do it the most. So first things first when hitting golf shots it's important we stay centered as soon as we start moving the body right and left laterally that's where the bottom of the golf club could hit anywhere so three or four inches behind the ball to three or four inches in front of the golf ball it's so inconsistent it's one of the things i get asked most about how do i become more consistent well this is it first thing making sure we stay centered. So i'm hitting a seven iron here and the ball is just in front of the center of my stance when i take the club away. And swing i'm very much focusing on keeping my sternum where my zip is on my jumper over the top of the golf ball as i turn into the top of the backswing unbelievably important as soon as the body starts moving away from the golf ball as i mentioned it's it's hard to get consistent. And suddenly you're hitting the ground way behind the ball so drill number one you'll need another golf club for this or an alignment stick or something that you're going to place in between your feet. And a few inches away from the golf ball this is your center marker this is where you want to stay centered to. So make sure you do a practice swing keeping the sternum. And the belt buckle over the top of that golf club as you rotate and as you can see that as i'm turning back in my swing i am not moving to the right that way when you come down to hit the ball you've not moved to the side. So when you come back down again you can make good clean contact with the ball. And then.

Just make contact just bruising the ground after staying centered is drill number one. And use a golf club or an alignment stick to help you get that feeling so important and also it might even be worth videoing yourself get a video set up from this front view so that you can actually see what you do making sure that you're not laterally sliding number two a classic this drill is a classic the old towel drill now you might never have seen this. So i'm going to show you anyway you need quite a thin towel nice little uh rickshaws towel here this is quite a thin towel. And what you're gonna do with this is place it behind the golf ball flat on the ground roughly two to three inches away from the golf ball what this is a really good drill. For is giving you instant feedback if you're getting the club too low coming into the golf ball. So this is where coming down into the shot we've already stayed centered in drill number one in drill number two we've got to make sure that we are rotating around this left hand side. So that we avoid hitting that towel so the bottom of my swing is going to hit just after the golf ball as opposed to before it's a classic drill this it really is one that you'll see even the best players in the world do to make sure their strike is efficient. So coming down this time i'm going to rotate around my left hand side i'm going to avoid that towel. And make good clean contact with the ball and turf as you can see there the ball was in that place there. And i've just hit the divot just after i'll just show you that if you come in close the towels not moved and i hit the ball first and then.

Made a a very small divot just after the ball that's perfect exactly what we're looking for i just want to quickly jump in and pause it here one thing i forgot to mention in the video is impact even though this is a slightly blurry image just notice the impact uh how i've got the handle of the golf club forward how i've got my hands pressed forward slightly delofting the head. But it helps you hit the ball then.

The turf after if you get the wrist too flicky and scoopy you end up hitting the ground behind so ideally aim to get your hands forward envision yourself trying to hit the ball lower and you'll strike the ball and then.

The turf much better forgot to mention it i'm glad i did carry on with the video if i was to keep too much weight on my back leg doing that drill you would make the con you'd make the towel move. And as soon as you make that towel move you'd get instant feedback that you've swayed and you're gonna lose consistency third drill and quite simply my favorite of these three drills before we get on to that guys if you've enjoyed this video make sure you smash like if you want more coaching videos equipment videos fun golf videos make sure you subscribe for free you do not want to miss out right third. And final drill this is honestly my favorite this is probably my favorite drill out of everything i've ever shown students over the years what i want to do is set up to the golf ball as you would do normally you're seven iron. So just in front of century stance but before you hit it just roll the ball two or three inches further forward before returning your golf club back in the starting position now what that ball has done it's going to encourage the body to move to the left as you're coming down into the golf ball it doesn't make sense with that ball being forward to lean back because i'm not going to make good contact with the golf ball by the way you can see the typical english weather we've got today.

Raining. But i'm still coming at you with some important golf tips to help improve your game stay centered in the backswing and then.

On the way down this time you're almost going to chase after the golf ball a little bit more you're going to move your weight more around that left hand side. So that you can make contact with that golf ball it'll be weird at first because it's. So far ahead but as you can see there as i come down i have aggressively moved. And rotated my weight around that left-hand side and that was a good concept i've had students in the past literally ask me can i play golf like that. And if you could move the ball i would say yes once you get that feeling. And you're confident with it put the ball in the same position but imagine the golf ball is back to where that drill just showed you two. Or three inches ahead of this actual golf ball and try and hit that point there stay centered move around that left hand side oh that is pure. And that way you'll strike the ball first then.

The turf after three very simple drills that will help you become more consistent. And be a better golfer guys if you enjoyed the video make sure you smash like and uh let's get the umbrella out because it started to absolutely chuck it down we'll see you next.
