So i am in turn a golf professional but i don't vouch to be a great player i'm not on tour i've never played in the open and really if i played 18 holes i'd be happy at shooting somewhere in the 70s now i want a challenge today.

Against one of the best golfers i know this man james robinson now james is a really good player he's played in the open in 2019 he's been on european tour. And he absolutely stripes it now if i played a nine-hole match against james with all our golf clubs he would destroy me i would need a handicap of probably three to four shots for a round of golf so i thought i'm gonna play my scratch but we're gonna level the field a little bit i i'm gonna use all of my golf clubs all the tools at my disposal the 14 clubs that i normally use but i'm not gonna give james the option james has been set the task of only using four clubs do you think that levels the field it's a big leveler it's a massive level what clubs have chosen to go. For i've chosen my driver seven iron 52 degree gap wedge and putter so we're gonna play nine holes match play me versus you who can win me using all my clubs using just four do you think you can beat me realistically i think it'll be quite close to be honest i'll be quite close. But you've had a lesson recently so you'll be flushing it doesn't mean anything right let's go nine holes back nine married worthy park game on okay james odd. Or even who tease off first uh i go even it is even would you like to go first. Or second uh god i'll follow you oh great okay okay ten though we started on par four 390 yards it's normally a driver. So no huge advantage. For me on this hole so if i get a good run away so the left might have just caught fairway bunker now if you've not seen james before check him out we took him on the challenge where we played the batman here with 70 pound golf club and he shot one under par with a half set of 70 pound clubs so i think with four clubs realistic i think he's going to shoot level par back tonight. So that's what i'm going to try. And compete with wow james all right is it all right it's a bloody one okay i'm 150 to the flag i'm just going to hit a little 99 from here not the best location. But i missed that bunker which was key oh i chunked it drunk. And run so 91 yards so perfect little chippy 52 oh that's nice yeah within about 12 feet putting. For birdie release police on down release going it's not bad it's trying i mean i'm fairly chuffed about that if i'm honest. But i won't tell james that let me just show you james's marker look at this he's just bringing out a little the open 147th at carnoustie playing the mind games already yeah i remember when i first played in the open [Laughter] i just don't want to give you two puts. For the win on the first come on you can do it oh i didn't break it's gonna break more than that pick it up making it very easy. For james on the first hole here and they like him putty even though he's got two putts for the win on this after i made bogey he's got this for birdie [Music] make you feel better yeah i'm almost happy are you one with with verdi i don't know if four clubs is too many i think that was perfect i feel lucky i feel like you might just need three clubs. Or maybe two clubs very good james goes one up you know what if i lose to a bird it's not a lot i could have done i got off to a nervous start i'm currently one down lots of holes left to play nine two i'm saying yeah. But you've got a fancy one with all slope and temperature wind slopes about 10 years old 11 0 par 3 it's it's been zapped at 191 yards so you've got driver or seven iron can you get there with seven i don't think. So okay i'm not hitting driver this is this yeah imagine driving a path three this is where i really need to it's all fairly shot here what a struggle i'm gonna hit i'm gonna hit a five iron. And probably not a super hard one see where james goes first oh no oh oh it's got a bit left pulley tried to leather it he did try. And jump on that keep coming we might be putting it back right of the green okay. So bit of a pull did find a trap ideally could do a 58 here. But we've got 52 so let's try and make this work oh that's it not bad bit hard okay. So my tee shot finished i've got birdie opportunity big slope on this though go go oh take it off thank you i've tried to put a little bit of pressure on him we played a nice shot from the bunker there considering they only had a 52 degree this is to halve the hole. For par now last time i played with james or we did a video with those seventy pound clubs had this terrible slozenger poster in the whole the world with his own putter i can only imagine he's gonna be better i feel like you should apologize [Laughter] saves you doesn't it oh hull halved james still one up. So 12th hole par four it's 311 so would be normally drivable a little bit into the wind it's a bit short not bad at it though [Music] okay not not my finest tee shot i've bailed miles right. So i've really got to put this close because james is quite close to the green actually about 90 yards nice full lob wedge go go go go go good shot that mate all right all right all right we're putting. For birdie okay. So just short the green i'm gonna have to flop shot with the 52 so we'll see how we get on that was good james oh very nice you're about about a foot closer than me is that going to be in the way that massive biscuit you massive open marker is just never played the open i you've said it a few times. But honestly all right if i'd played the open james i would be telling everybody every day for donkey's years so i don't but i don't mind you boasting there rick i feel like i needed that i just worry everything that i've seen from james at the moment we're putting he just holds it he's got this for birdie this is to go two under the three holes. And it's also to go two up in the match so i'm just gonna remind everybody watching james is using four golf clubs. And he's two on the path through three holes what a player what a player okay thirteenth oh par 5 522 yards i feel with 14 clubs this is where i've got a huge advantage you've got it driving you're not reaching there with seven iron i like it drive off i've got to hit the i've got to hit the fairway a little drive off the deck. So i've just got to get good driveway i've noticed it's well so far i can't i'm two down through three holes that looks very nice indeed split the fairway nice shot gotta hit the fairway driver off the deck possibly okay come on rick i need to get back in this match this par five in the 18th hole my best chance is really to try. And get one up on james very loose with the driver bit loose very low oh no it's way up on 18. right i'm out position i'm too down in the match i'm playing a golfer with four clubs. And i've got all 14. i've not got my a-game today.

Let's say that par five though this is my only advantage i can get on. But i'm like i've gotta get over these trees i just can't lay up it just would be it'd be silly so i'm going. For it i've got three wood out gonna get over these trees i've gotta cut it with water on the left and it's an ambitious shot don't get me wrong but one that i need to pull off luckily it's set up quite nicely so i've got half a chance of getting some height oh you're joking oh i couldn't have hit that any better and i mean that there's a there's a twig a twig at the top of that tree that has stopped it from going really really close to the green instead it hit the twig. And popped down okay. So i've got 237 to the flag so driver i don't fancy drive off the deck seven iron it is it's the only option. So i'm gonna have to try and bang it down the right and then.

Pitch in close that'll do that's all i needed okay after my very unfortunate encounter with the tree did you see that it just clipped that top branch wasn't it. So unlucky joke absolute joke it was it was on it was on the green we should have been putting. For eagle right now eagle chance but instead my eagle chance i'm faced is with a bunker from about 140 yards away you can do it right i'm going to go pitching wedge got to catch it well got to catch it clean oh great straight. But it's left is it got the legs actually i don't think it has no it's a bit short i must admit i thought this match might be a little bit closer than what it is at the moment james just it's just solid like that miss that i hit with driver there it's not uncommon. For me sometimes miss it wildly i just don't see james missing wildly just class golfer really class so i've got here james 84 yards so being honest this is probably the club i'd use it honestly yeah i'm a little 52 definitely getting lucky with these yardages. So far this is very inviting i'm excited about seeing this shot to be honest it's lovely get going it's online that is a lovely golf shot well done foul just give it one more year on tour come on will you sponsor me i'll sponsor you i'll back you um i've got to get up. And down it's simple as that and that might not even be enough oh it's just sloppy [Music] it's a great port oh good effort not good enough pick it up it's as simple as that james got two put to go three up in the match oh mark it down mark it down the first put i've ever seen james miss you can have that pal you're not gonna miss that james goes three up in the match fourteenth par three i need something to happen here. But i've got to admit like you just don't miss the year like it's it's bloody good like you're yeah your skill level even though you bit out the game at the moment. Or obviously coaching like it feels like your accuracy your dispersion it's bloody really good yeah it's tight. But they all are at the very top yeah you've got to be absolutely on the money all the time yeah it's impressive really impressive right par three 150 what you're hitting i've got one foot it's one four four flag okay. So i'm hitting seven it's way too much club so i'm gonna have to uh manufacture one in here okay try a little chippy cut one oh no not too hard sit down that's it oh it's not too bad i always i always quite like the fact that like you don't like i mean what was that two clubs probably too much club right yep definitely two clubs too. And you didn't strike it pure you're on the green pin high putting for birdie and you're not happy it's like that is just like it just shows again the difference where. For me i've got the perfect club i've got a nine iron i'm just going to float it into it right here straight at the flag i mean i i feel like i need one i want you to get one be nice [Music] keep drawing looks good. For length oh ricky sheels not bringing my game today.

For you pal there's one thing i want to highlight here right now just remember this james he's got four clubs he's currently two on the par he's currently three up in the match and he has con full control of his golf game i mean it's just it's different levels it's different levels. And james if you've heard on the podcast we've done a few videos on the second channel like james was talking about how he how he struggled to to compete at like european tour level yeah he's this bloody good i'm in awe he's phenomenal i'm not getting i'm not putting up the best appearance there i must admit. But he is absolutely different level golfer okay going going change. For birdie no it's left good pace very nice place well done pal you can take that away cheers nice par great part well done 15th 405 yard little sweeping dog leg right to left down the hill again i feel like this could to if you get a good drive away i think you're like little flick with a 52. i i think. So i mean you have picked a good selection today.

Yeah it's uh it's coming in handy. So far come on you're gonna have to really manufacture a couple of shots so we're getting away with it probably just over that bunker on the left you'll clear that beautiful when i grow up james i want to be you i want to be you mate that was shall we swap yeah i want your golf swings you don't need it anymore what do you want you couldn't hire it off me [Laughter] it might be tight to the trees down the left. So not my greatest tee shot i've pulled a bit left but i've actually got a bit of an opening through these trees i am 120 yards from the flag a bit into window today.

So i'm going to chip a little pitching wedge in there be the right club looks good oh that's it back edge okay 103 slightly out the rough into the wind. So unfortunately it's almost the right club again for me sounds so good be close step down okay. So i'm clinging on the back edge just a little down the hill sweeper james is just in front gonna give me a free read give you give you a free read [Music] come on down that is good oh oh it's good take it away take it away now the pressure's gone back on me i need to now hold this to keep the match alive well done i was going to say never in doubt. But i had a little little walk a little stutter there i thought it was short. For a second didn't you 16th hole par 4 now back up the hill douglas left to right just under 400 yards so it's uh if it's a good driver again you could get within 100. it's a great golf shot it's just a great golf shot it's a pleasure to watch but i have to remind myself i've got to win this hole i have to win it one shot at a time mate [Music] it's not bad it's uh it's fine i'm going to take it because it's close to a fair. So i'm playing one five five to the flag again having choices is a good thing having a lot of clubs to choose from is nice in a weird way having less choice obviously you just have that one shot don't you really i'm gonna i'm gonna slightly step on a nine-nine i feel like out of this rough it could just fly out a little bit slightly downwind this has to go close. So i really do need to put this within a few feet it's a odd flight feel good. For distance that's it well if we got james so we've got 114 slightly uphill perfect gatwich pretty much a full gap wedge [Laughter] you've encouraged me to hit that driver slightly harder there thank you you're in perfect proximity here for a lot of other golfers that i play i've played with some good players i kind of think at this point you know something bad might happen you might chunk it you might thin it i don't get that feeling with you james i'll try my best. For you i feel like this is you know i think it's gonna be either close. Or very close what a strike needs to go a little i think it was a slight opening might have been a slight chunk now a slight window of opportunity. So slightly uphill not going to do a great deal probably a little bit left to right. So uh i like this screen though good memories on the screen looks good no oh good pace class good touch yeah you can take that away that is good right. So this needs to go in to continue the match [Music] it needs to get to the hole in the middle ricky well that was incredibly enjoyable. And you absolutely batted me now right i don't think we should end it there because currently you two on the par yep playing with four clubs on the back nine we've got two more holes to go let's play these last two. And just see what score you can actually finish let's do it. So my ego has been batted a little bit there i didn't play great granted i didn't have my a game i don't even think i have my b game with me today.

However. take no credit away from james he's two on the path i'm with four golf clubs just an incredible talent i'm on his side now i want him to get much lower. For these last two holes [Music] ah just not got it say okay james we're all rooting. For you now 17th hole drivable par four you can definitely knock this on i'm gonna i'm actually gonna take a little bit off it i think it's too much club to fit it well. So i'm gonna grip down it a little bit and just hit it normal ah hit pull oh slightly pulley pin eye though you'll be just chipping on from there [Laughter] imagine if that would have gone in for an eagle too and you can't say double or quit yeah i should have done that. For the last two holes i'm mad at his golf i've literally just played seven holes and not hit a single good shot as soon as i've down in the march out golf does that to you a nearly chipping eagle look how close it finished like it literally hit them kissed the flag. And finished a few inches away is that good james in fact i'm gonna knock it in just. So i can say i've made a birdie birdie three golf a what a game. So james a bit out of position here off his tee shot he's got to come over this bank and everything is falling away from him he'd probably go much more loft than what he's got. But he's only got the 52 degree wedge [Music] oh unlucky kick really unlucky kick golf in it [Music] give it a chance unlucky that was that was a good port as well that just didn't quite get it up the hill very nice remains two under last hole we're all on james's side here again he's two in the par par five left to come if you absolutely hit your best of your best drive yeah okay. And i mean rocket one down the fairway downwind just in the semi you could get there driver seven iron i'm not i'm not ruling it out we're gonna need a flyer on the second shot i feel i i've done it recently when i've nutted a drive down here. So if i can do it you can definitely do it [Music] oh that is absolutely that's one of the best drives i've ever seen in my life they've been set at task here james said if i can outdrive that he's going to give me 200 quid okay 200 quid if i could out drive that yeah go on oh no what if you don't hit it past me oh he never said that yeah i think you did me there james comfortable that center strike runs a long way me trying to button it i'd find the bunker i'm just going to play a sensible golf shot nice nicely fatted out after a good drive 188 to the flag oh. So it's slightly down breeze you can get there with seven i think it's not far off the right club. But it's a well-hit one well front of the green is 172. it's a big greenness it's going to hit the green with this club just got to hit it well to get it up to the flag. So let's give it a go i'm excited come on james try. And get an eagle to finish it'll be nice oh it's on it stay in the air cover a few more yards in the air oh did it get knocked down a little bit tiny bit skinny didn't actually absolutely flush it. But we'll trip it in [Music] not quite sure i've hit that so far but that's been absolutely mild right guys if you enjoyed this video make sure you smash like and subscribe and do follow james on instagram um i'm just impressed i mean all he's got an eagle opportunity on the last hole if that goes. And he shoots four under if he doesn't he makes birdie it's still three under par let me just clarify that three on the par with four golf clubs in the bag different level it's been a pleasure to play with him we'll do more videos again in the future that was class class golf right come on james let's finish this with a big bird with an eagle oh no james he's come down to this left himself with a longer putt than you wanted. For birdie on the lap to finish up everybody wants to see this going james okay oh you found out all your fans want this to drop this is to finish three on the par with nine holes incorrect. But it's in incredible.