I believe if you were the first person you're with today.

The first group you went to watch is who is playing. For you as a team so if you went to see justin first you're on team justin team johan and team stevens so there is a prize. For the winning team the winning player wins a prize for their team so plenty of support out there when we're ready guys all right where's the tea bottle we're gonna cheer from here from this market here okay who said the most here guys whatever more cameras please mm-hmm yeah good shot come on one i would like to point out he is using the mini driver what oh. So guys we are at trump international here in aberdeen scotland. And we've got a little match up here actually this is a it's gonna be quite tasty pete we've got justin rose we've got stephen gallagher. And we've got joanne carl's son so three tour players who are here down here with taylormade today.

All using sldr stuff really. So we're going to head down uh currently justin. And stephen have hit the fairway and johanna sits a little bit to the right actually so i think he's struggling it's the first house we're all heading down there now has actually been split into three three sides. And each each side we've got a player so our our player mine and pete's is just in rows. So we're happy with that he's just bombed one down the first so we'll when we get down there we'll see how the shot's coming so here we go there's a bit of a hunt going on checking there's enough people looking someone else is just joining as well just in case here mini drive ratchet. So it wasn't the full boy and these boys are way down there it's either that. Or we're just too lazy to go over that's rose front one and that's gallagher on the second so they're all over there at the moment looking for joanns i don't think they're gonna have much luck i've done three we played this third today.

And it's the rough is just horrendous really really thick. So i think they'll do very very well i don't think he can get away with dropping one down there neither. So i've actually found joanne's hair he's in the is in the deep deep jungle it's where. So many people took so long he's got to be about 160 70 yards out i'll tell you what he's got it out clean very well that's that's on it i really like it go go oh just a bit short see where the bunker is there it's just over that bunker. And see the flag there so now we've got the boys just heard them talking a minute ago they've got 130 left in roughly around that mark and bear in mind this is a par five they've not played off the stupid teams a little watch. Or something here that's a bit short as well just on this on this bank over here right stephen is definitely in the driving seat here he must only be one two five left sorry justin's in your view though that's pretty good can't quite pick up on the camera there. But it's pretty good shot he's definitely driving a seat anyway we find justin here just at the front yeah nice little pitching just checked up rolling out to the flag himself 67 feet is there he's just marked his ball. So he's got a bit of a bit of a longer put but he still shouldn't be far away so here's stevens put track into the hole tracking tracking oh really close chance there for bird you can just sit. For eagle sorry we've just run a little bit further past so we're going to make him not get in i think we'll call it half. So everybody gets it so justin put a little bit of pressure on stephen yeah he's got it that's our player please let me see all the crowd looking about. So these two guys need to need to hold these for the half i've got to think of it here see the one after that awful t-shirt yeah i could put some stephen gallagher. And johann steve sorry justin rose and johan steven there from the middle of the fairways just down a little sly through put which is a shame. But the guys that means our team the black band wins and whoever joe and this is as well your hands band that's yourself you can see all the guys there as they're walking away magnificent venue watch the guys walking away you know over a hundred people come down here today.

To celebrate the sldr driver at the trump international in scotland which is just the most amazing amazing venue you see him walking off we played here earlier today.

And it's just outrageously good so guys thanks so much for watching we appreciate you uh you're watching this it's just a little insight really it's almost like a course vlog but with the stars a much much better golf course i would say as well so we're gonna uh we're gonna head back to the clubhouse now we've got barbecues on let me get away from the sunlight we've got barbecues on we've got uh maybe a few little beers and i'm actually going over to lot loam. And tomorrow um not bad this week is it really as weeks ago this is a good one this is a nice one lovely lovely setting. And we want to thank taylormade for inviting us down here today.

To celebrate the first year of the taylormade sldr driver i'm also going to try. And get a word with another youtube tuber see if we can sort some something out in the future guys thanks. For watching and we'll see you all soon.