Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic gold central manchester. And today.

We're going to be talking about spin again it's another video i'm doing on spin. But i want to clear up a couple of thoughts uh on the previous video and also demonstrate how we can create spin lots of it lots. And lots and lots of it so stay tuned to this video the end of it i'm promising you lots and lots of spin using the gt2 so i can track what the golf ball is doing what the club heads doing. So i can show you lofts. And angle of attacks and speed etcetera and using the simulator software when the ball lands onto the green we can actually see how it would spin. So i did a video a few months about now you might have seen it ultimate spin part one this is kind of going on from that i'm talking about how to actually make even more spin. So ultimate spin part two right in the first video it was a very simple make sure that we get good contact with clean grooves with sharp grooves with a premium golf ball i'm going to show you the the advantage of using a softer cover golf ball as well at the end of this video. So i'm going to do some testing on normal golf balls. And then.

Actually do some on softer golf balls. So you'll see that all on the video um i'm doing it with a wedge that's going to promise lots of grip this is the new cleveland wedge. So it's the roughest face wedge and again just to show you the benefit of you need grooves that are going to be able to grip that golf ball. So we're going to talk today.

About going a little bit more in depth about how to create even more spins last time it was more about just the actual connection the connection on the golf ball. And the ground conditions that still is an important factor. But we'll talk about more of the connection today.

To get the most been we need three elements to this main elements we need to hit in a shot with a relatively large amount of loft. So you need to put in one of your most lofty clubs a club loft that's going to get you to the distance that you need it to. And beyond because we need to anticipate for the backspin so that's in key we need to keep keeping lots of loft so with that in mind i'm using 58 degree for this shot so almost full on lob wedge i'm 90 yards away from this green so a full full full out lob wedge would get me probably 100 yards so i've got 90 yards so perfect for the amount of spin i'm going to get with this club i said before you need clean grooves on that that's one big thing. So i've got lots of loft the next.

Thing if i i need to maintain that loft maintain it as much as i can as we hit down towards the golf ball. So this is where we can get a lot of spin if you've got the loft on the face pointing up. And we start to hit down so this is the loft the shaft. And the hitting down is my arm this gap between the two the bigger we can create that gap the more spin we get. And that's called spin loft we want to create that angle there on its side we want to create as much of that as we can. So i'm going to maximize the loft as i strike down onto the golf ball the last thing to create most spin is speed velocity power we've got we've got to hit this golf ball hard to produce spin quite simply we've got to hit this hard there's all the factors you know ground conditions. And stuff that i covered in the first video so go and check out but this is more a little bit more in depth about the actual technical aspects of it. So i'm gonna be hitting some normal-ish golf balls first i'm gonna be hitting a couple of uh srix and ad triple threes so quite a firm firmish cover you know one of the biggest selling golf balls on the market but it's not super soft cover i'm going to make sure that i maximize my loft by not leaning too far left my ball forward i want to keep the ball relatively neutral in the middle of my stance keep the shaft relatively neutral if not a tiny bit to the left just a touch. And my main mission i want to keep that loft on the club face as i impart a downward blow with some speed so let's give that a go so i'm going to keep the loft i'm going to hit down with a little bit of speed. And the ball shoots off up into space really really high actually so it's landed there at 95 stopped at 96. it's only got five and a half thousand revs per minute of spin on that that's not a lot the loft was quite a severe 46 degree. And a hit down by six degrees now the club head speed of that wasn't super fast but it was 86. So it wasn't super super fast i'm gonna hit another ad triple three so five and a half thousand revs per minute spin isn't a lot yet and you saw that when it landed one bounce and stop i'm gonna do it one more time. And just hit the ball maybe a little bit faster so i'm gonna maximize the loft again i'm gonna hit down into the golf ball with my with my good club but this is this is not a soft golf ball just. Yet wait for the next.

Three that's when we start to see some real spin i'm gonna hit down a little bit faster this time now i must admit i've not hit that quite as well that wasn't middle middle middled it's landed there at night 89 yeah four. And four thousand four hundred spin that's not a great deal at all i've actually just caught it a little bit off the bottom i've added more loft i've hit down not severely and the club head speed was 88 miles per hour that time. So that wasn't far away i think if i'd have struck that in the middle that would have got probably six thousand revs per minute spin. So it wasn't middle-middled right the soft golf balls these are the pro-v ones. So i've got the the titles probably ones here i've got three of them and two of them aren't even brand new so obviously i'm driving around this one's brand new so i'm gonna be looking at creating more spin now so i'm gonna do the same thing exactly the same thing i'm gonna keep the loft of the club face i'm gonna strike down on the golf ball i'm gonna hopefully try. And generate almost 90 miles per hour of clubhead speed and let's see what this this can do okay. So lots of loft lots of loft i'm gonna hit down with a little bit more speed oh that's going to be nice that felt fantastic off the face that time. So as it lands oh look at that that landed at 99 and it spun all the way back to 93 so six yards of spin it's had nearly 11 000 revs per minute of spin wasn't my fastest 87 miles per hour wasn't the fastest and i could probably add a little bit more loft to that but you can see there just by using a softer ball straight away the spin was incredible six yards i think i can get more. So i need more speed on that and to hit down on the even slightly more but still keeping the loft as much as i can let's try it again this is a pro v1. But it's a bit of an older one but this covers still to say so i'm going to keep maximum loft i'm going to strike down let's try. And generate a little bit more speed this time oh that's full of it that is full of it watch this one spin oh see it coming back that landed at 92. And it spun all the way back to 84 and that had 11 200 rpm that's revs per minute spinning backwards the loft was 53 degrees. And i've maxed i've hit down so my spin loft was very very good. So my angle that i talked about the start today.

My loft on the golf club. And me hitting down created that nice big angle and then.

I accelerated on that angle i hit that ball faster how much spin lots of it i reckon i've got a bit more in me i reckon i can even spin that even more. So that wasn't the fastest i'm going to try. And get this really really fast this time so i mean that was a ridiculous amount of spin don't get me wrong the one thing i do want to clear up. And this is just just as obvious slightly silly mistake i made on the last video is i said a premium golf ball a softer golf ball would curve would spin back we said that i kind of said it would spin offline that's false it's wrong not why i said it i said it quickly. And this probably shouldn't have said it. So try to clear that up um the the the spin on the long shot is all about the middle of the golf ball the spin on the shorter shot is all about the cover of the golf ball. And nothing will spin offline no golf ball will spin further offline shouldn't have said that. So so this time i'm going to hit the same shot i'm going to go more even more speed. So lots of loft strike down with lots of loft and speed let's go for this oh that is full of it. So that's got so much spin it's untrue oh look how quick it spun back oh my goodness that had 12 000 rpm of spin 12 000 it wasn't my maximum loft actually that time i could have gone a bit more lofted on that i've hit down by seven degrees and my club head speed was 89 miles per hour i spun that back 10 yards 10 yards. So things i want to make sure that we've got equipment's key golf club equipment and golf ball equipment is key to create lots. And lots of spin you will not spin a hard covered golf ball a soft cover ball you will spin more. And you'll still hit it fine off the tee fine it won't curve offline to get spin you've got to make sure that you're maximizing angle without sacrificing distance we've got to make sure that we're hitting down into the golf ball with speed so if we can add loft hit down with speed you're going to create lots. And lots and lots of spin the only tricky bit sometimes when you try and hit down the d loft action happens so you've got to practice keeping the loft showing lots of loss to the golf ball as we strike down guys thanks for watching if you enjoyed that i enjoyed that a lot i love spin love it if you enjoyed that i'm going to be watching that replay over. And over and over again and do click the like button. So if that if i entertained you that was a good video click the like button guys you can subscribe by clicking the link down here that gets you the first access to every one of my videos. So click that and you'll get a notification when every single first video comes out comment down below let me know if that was uh enough spin i reckon i could get a bit more i reckon i could get a bit more uh that was using cleveland wedges tricks uh titles pro v1 golf balls hitting down adding loft with speed guys thanks. For watching and we'll see you all soon.