Hi guys my name's Rick shields and we are gonna do some home improvement golf drills it's gonna help you get better if you can't gun the golf course if you can't practice at the moment it's gonna help you get much much better if you can get on the golf course this is still a great drill to help you create more lag in your downswing which seems to be a very hot topic lots of people like to create a lot of lag. And this is this is a great drill. For it now warning this is a big warning please please either get the responsible parent responsible adults permission your partner's permission to do this on a wall that is not decorated. Or that is not important you might even want to do it on an outside wall okay it's my warning please don't let me don't be sending me messages saying that you've actually got to do some real home improvements okay I want to hear those things. So you need a wall that you don't map don't mind marking so like the garage door and outdoor and outdoor wall sorry not a door and we're gonna use that either with a stick or a golf club I'm gonna start for the golf club first and just show you how we can make this happen now hold the golf club side down. So you're holding it from the head side so the grip is the section that you're using to use onto the wall what you're going to do is you're going to do some swings where you purposely press the golf club up against the wall during your downswing. So get close enough to it so you can get the club on to downswing. And the idea is I want you to be able to slide the grip down the wall while you're maintaining this right wrist angle let me do that again. So as you're pulling that club down the wall your right wrist angle stays hinged it stays in this really strong angle once then.

You start to bring the club off the wall you will feel you will feel instantly the whip of the golf club as it's coming through the shot you will feel like instantly. So up against the wall pull it down pull it down pull it down maing making sure you hold that right wrist position once you come off wall you will feel that whip coming through now you can do that also with an alignment stick that has a bit of flex to it bring it down bring it down bring it down you can see that the flex of the alignment stick is bending my right wrist is staying flexed. And then.

From there I don't need to slide off the wall just turn your body turn your body turn your body and you will notice this stick comes whipping through. And that is like you're trying to create like here. And then.

You want to fire it through impact do not do this on a wall that you care about please don't do it on an outdoor wall. Or a wall that is not working you don't not worried about it use the grip end of the golf club to slide along the wall. And create lag or use an alignment stick guys do practice that that's now you get on I would love you to also send me your tweets if you do in this drill. So tweet me at Rick shields PGA using the hashtag DIY golf tips I want to see you working on these lag drills and all the other wins all the other indoor home-improvement drills send me some pictures are retweet the best ones do subscribe put like comment down below does know what you think thanks. For watching guys don't forget wall that you don't care about.