Right guys we are coming to orlando. So end of january we are going to be running a golf school on thursday the 22nd of jan. And to find out more information what they got to do click this email below. So email below here in the description fire us across an email if you're interested in attending we're over there at the merchandise show which is the biggest golf show in the world. And we cannot wait to get over there and while we have this opportunity we'd love to meet you guys and actually coach you directly as well so it's it's something that we've never done before and we're very excited it's going to be getting done packed today.

With loads. And loads of coaching so guys if you are interested like pete said do email this link down here below we will ping you across with some more information it's going to be an exciting trip it's going to be very good stay tuned do subscribe follow us on facebook. And twitter and we shall see you all in orlando very very soon as simple as that quickest video we've ever done.