All right guys we're back here at JCB one of my favorite golf courses in the world and you know what I'm excited about this video a couple of weeks ago you might have seen me take on a brand new challenge where I played at Marriott Worsley Park. And had the luxury of having 10 Mulligans I got to take 10 shots again and as I was playing that round of golf it got me thinking I shot in the mid 60s that round it's all right I've got a tour pro shoe with 10 milligrams well today.

We are going to find out Brian Ruffles you'd have seen Ryan when I played at Iowa earlier this year unbelievable venue an unbelievable golfer coincidentally if I was in the country I said why don't you come up let's shoot a cool video. And when I pitched the idea to you what was your first thoughts I've never thought about it I think it was my first thoughts I've never thought about take I can't tell you the last time I took a mulligan in any round. So to have ten it's going to be interesting I'm not sure what to expect like I don't know if it'll help me a lot if I play great it might not help me much at all who knows. So it's going to be interesting. For me too I'm excited to find out you know it'd be a massive Flex if you're going to shoot like a 63 it'd only take five well it gets. Or something I would love nothing more than you to be knocking on the door and the score that starts with the number five I love that we're getting into a 59 with 10 Mulligans so it's gonna be interesting this is the golf course you've not played before it's one of my favorite courses we've been here loads on the channel before it's a tough challenge yep here at JCB um. But I'm going to cadify you I'm going to give you some guidance round you've done it in full tour routine before you've stepped here on the first take yep trying. For three hours and all the way up straight here and I don't know yeah it's a bit on the driving range short game area fighting I'm putting I've got no excuses today.

Let's go let's go low all right is there any strategy at all between these 10 milligrams you're going to save any. For real terrible shots or do you think there are going to be more on nice opportunities. And I'd like to use them on terrible shots but the same breath I'd like to not hit terrible shots so um no no strategy at all I haven't seen the course ever. And it looks like a course that you'd probably like to see once or twice before you play it so I guess that's what my Mulligans kind of come in and they even things out I hope and Rick shows me around pretty well and um yeah no strategy I'm just gonna wait till I need him I guess hopefully I don't. So off these teas today.

It's around about 7 000 yards per 72. okay. So first hole it's a cracker you've got water to carry here which I've got no issue. For you a bunker playing about 260 off this tee and a little bit of room after the idea the perfect line is there level with the bunker it looks like a three wood. For me I think three Woods perfect three would just take yeah all right come on in Ryan let's do it I'm excited let's see what we got absolutely perfect not gonna use one here I don't think I'm in a lovely spot today.

Not playhead I'm just gonna cab here. For this one bag's a bit heavy though it is actually yeah well Ryan you could not have put it in a more perfect spot let's keep going like that you tell me where to go all day I'll hit it there couldn't have faced it at that spot really couldn't have done of course is looking magnificent. And actually it's only a few weeks out from JCB Championship 2023 some of the biggest names in senior golf are going to be here in a few weeks I'm playing in the prom I'm excited about it if you want to check out more information Link in the description you can also get tickets come. And watch that's definitely worth this to this place it's an aggro right how far have you got I've got 129 yards so for me I hit 52 130 so should be while I'm at calculations pretty good too far right it catches that bank pretty average there I'm not sure that's worth a mulligan though is it kind of want one. But that's early to be burning one on I can't take one there no I think a wedding a wedge of 25 feet I can't take one there I gotta say no that's it on The Mulligans if Ryan chooses let's take another good nap before he then.

Has to use worth it quite the caddy I have got a nice dirty golf ball he showed up with no towel I don't know I'm just here to watch Ryan to be honest with you also I have as we're driving in Ryan saw the 17th hole here at JCB. And you know the 17th hole the par 3 250 yards island green downhill I would definitely just keep a couple of Mulligans in the back pocket for the 17th that's for sure right come on then.

Let's start let's start are we mean to go on we box some of these early doors it'd be exciting go a bit oh not quite hard enough bang online to do anything there easy path we'll save them up good look at that book again I I would like to see you in this little pocket here done it's about 200. And 150 ish yeah it looks like okay that'll be about 80 yards yeah that's where you told me to do it. So you know it's a little bit like at the moment it's like playing a video game and I feel like I need to be holding the controller and just going yeah spin it in the air. And just like get together to land with the right spin go there Ryan and boom yeah it's good I got 130 yards almost identical to the last four. But I think different wind I'm gonna hit a little pitching wedge on this one write your friend pin I write the whole the holes my friends are 10 million okay go. For it oh I can't I like this maybe I need to be a little bit more aggressive actually well I'm not playing I I'm not going to play Super safe today.

When I got 10 in my pocket. And it's not a four day tournament yeah correct okay let's start breaking the flags now if if we're playing a 10 like a four-day tournament yeah right it's definitely better. But we'll see could come back to bite me but no no you got 10 shots to like break the flags let's get let's get aggressive what's good pretty nice 15 feet. Or so now here's where it gets a little interesting I know it's these type of ports yeah I think you might like I really want to hold the first one because I don't want to have to think about taking a mulligan here yes yes don't need it in a weird way well it feels like a free birded app yeah I know because you didn't need to use it really good. And I'm sure there's going to be like some people that are way better than me with Stats today.

That watch this video that I'm going to take a mull against something like that would be like oh no statistically that was a terrible spot to take a while again this. And that because I don't know I'm just going. But I guess at the moment but I'm just glad I don't I don't want us to take one on a 10-footer that was really good 272 into the rough on the last one that we can see all right I'm gonna try. And ended up just over the left side of that last bunker we can see there. And I think that's yeah that sound like the plan sounds good Softly looks alright it's weird they're going to be Fairway. But I can get much more aggressive yeah one first Mulligan taken let's hope it's worth it. So this now is in play been committed gone. For yeah you can you honestly yeah no I just over cut that I think when you play a hole. For the first time and you're just smacking it over the unknown probably pretty easy to do that. So yeah no I'd like to go much further left of this one I think that's good that's really really good thank you as well there I say we've used one effectively which is good right second shot into this par five after a perfectly taken well we're good uh how far have you got bud uh 228. uh probably four own uh. So do I have a little bit of room left. Or what's going on up here very much right okay. So probably for me here I'd say I'm gonna hit a straighter shot kind of up over the corner if it drops right fantastic but I'm probably not trying to get too greedy to that flag because I can make it I think I can make it somewhat straightforward birdie if I can kind of keep it up the left-hand side. So give myself a shot at Eagle before I started it though go now I don't know because I could still get to the front I think if you went. For that one again I'd like to hit the exact same shot just not catch it behind the golf ball great a great uh great start to think. But it was actually quite tricky here a little trickier than maybe I originally thought in such Bank let it take down the slope yeah. So you just got down to the right a little early oh that was a terrible read now I got that decision eh you can't par this part five can you I don't think you're allowed to yeah. But I gotta use two Mulligans on this one hole two Mulligans on the on one all right now I think statistically people are going to tell me that this isn't smart because I don't know what the average make range from like 10 foot is. But I think I can do it I got the Reed now a little hard on the same thing oh done the same thing that see now I feel like I've wasted two on the one hole are you rough yeah because I made a car with two Mulligans oh yeah you've wasted them big time oh that's disappointing um you see that dark tree like the dark trunk like straight away yeah it's pretty prominent kind of throat exactly that is that fine there exactly exactly that's perfect oh no might be all right though no if I need one there well in this situation there's a couple of times I you can take a provisional provisional mode again okay yeah it's better that's perfect a little too far right. But I'll be fine everything slopes Hard Road yeah. So if I can get it out the ride a little bit it should just kind of help me out definitely okay I guess my biggest thing here is if this ball is going to jump. Or not that's my uh that's going to be the only thing that makes this shot kind of a little tricky how can you tell normally if there's grass behind the ball. So if you see like but not thick grass so if it's kind of wispy like that you won't be able to get the club on the bowl directly but the speed will continue through the grass pretty easy. So you're not going to get that friction which creates the spin that's when the ball goes miles if it's a thick light it'll just come out dead. And then.

Obviously there's nothing behind it this comes out normal so I'm going to say he's going to jump a little bit okay 155 yards I'm still taking a 160 club I'm going to try. And hit it soft and kind of be a little protective of that jump if that makes sense yeah anything falling just right that flag yeah it's going to get closer. And closer to the hole cool sit if they hit the bank it should be good I need to sit a little bit yeah it just did jump on me I think Landed It On is your best option the light is okay at best it's got a little tough behind it um well I guess if Rick says landed on we're Landing it on eh that tuft right behind it I'm going to take a mulligan here do you think yeah there's just that little tough behind the ball. And I was a bit worried about it there we go yeah great speed that's a bit better great speed all right that five foot should be a little left to right still one on the par three mulligans taken not as easy as I thought this is good I get a bad lie here a little bit. And then.

I'm just like oh well I got Mulligan so I'll try and play The Flop anyway flub it now I've got a really tough chip get that one up and down just if you have any consolation therefore. somewhat challenging first holes yeah make you think yeah I just I wouldn't have ended up here had I known the course 225 it says it plays 20 yards downhill though. So it's playing 205. I'm kind of thinking it's not one that I can be super aggressive with greatest golf shots I've ever seen foreign I think I'm thinking about The Mulligans before I play yeah yes ah yes I honestly thought a little bit short yeah I did. So did I just got enough right now you're too under with a par five coming up two under par five coming up seven Mulligans in hand I think you could make it happen get down I don't mind it I have to get down really foot in the rough yeah not too bad it's hard like I said to take it over there when you don't know the hole correct yeah like I felt very nice when you said those trees I was kind of like oh I don't mind it out there a little bit talk me here Rick what do we got up there how far is it uh I got about 215 yards of the pin. But it plays 235 it says 188 over that bunker playing like 202 or something this is actually tricky here this lie slightly right is no danger I'm gonna go. For I'm gonna open up the face a little bit of a foreign kind of feel like almost like a little flop yeah oh no it's actually all right no it's come out really good yeah it's actually fine how many yards of green have you got to work with five. And four of them are downslaught. So yeah there's that if I can land it on that downslope it should have enough momentum that it scoots through I got to be far enough left too oh that it takes that phenomenal. For a minute I thought I got stuck I was like no yeah I thought that had just got stuck sometimes I feel like you're on my side sometimes I feel like you're not [Laughter] depends what you do right yeah that is a really good birdie these five Footers I reckon have more pressure with a mulligan because you don't want to retake them you don't you know what though. So you really want to hold them six holes in three under three on the Park it's a little sloppy to start who's still three under it's an interesting hole this is it the dog legs it's 470. um obviously it's playing downhill I'd actually like to see you flying it just straight over those traps that wants to keep cutting keep going that's pretty incredible that shot I'll tell you what okay I hit a provisional question I want a provisional Mulligan here because that's too far right I like it's obviously way. For the right than I've intended to hit that but I think I might have hit it. So bad that I got away with it I think that one should be geez I don't know though okay. So we found the first one to normal we can need it it's not perfect it's in the rough the Fescue kind of longer up here on the side of the previous hole yeah bad angle we got 120 um 115 at the downhill should be downwind as well I'm just going to try. And hit a lob wedge hard ah didn't quite Carry On To be honest that angle we were coming in from on that right side was terrible with this that's possibly what protects it from going down the other Fairway yeah it's hard this caddy in life if I was going to come here today.

Have a nice little relaxing walk around the golf course we'll try. And play some good golf I'll cut it for you I'll carry it back no big deal there's no way that anyway I just thought that was just going to come hammering right to left it's. So funny as golfers I think too much to a fault were perfectionists. So I think that's why when you have those Mulligans. And stuff it makes you every bad shot you hit you're like give me a give me another ball even though exactly not strategically probably what you want to do yeah nicely done let's see what are you running there oh no I've never had a Lucas Aiden before good right Ryan everyone knows what I think of the jcv sausage rolls if we die at the moment. So I'm definitely not having one is that where you is that where you just had two before the video what do you think give it give it I don't know everything it's a good look yeah nice. And thick yeah yeah um nice little Char on the end I'm not a sausage roll expert. But here we go pretty bloody good it's good in it yeah you could have a few of these can you yeah I have can you give it a rating even though I know you're not sausage not everyone can be a sausage roll connoisseur I get that. And maybe that's why am I rating it based on all the sausage rolls I've ever had yeah I'm not zero to ten basis zero to ten bases I think if the best sausage roll I've ever had is a nine. And a half I'm gonna say this is a a nine just because I'm not going to let the English Beat the Australians okay that is bad is a solid nine from Ryan a few people stuck us. For twins last time yeah video I thought a bit offended by that yeah I know I didn't I tell my wife you need a joke What The Hell she's about our team went what. And I said I'm filming today.

With with the Aussie London my wife went oh yeah Ryan I remember his name right um seven holes done three on the par yeah not horrendous not horrendous bit sloppy I think this game's getting the better of me like it's playing with my head I just need to play like I'm playing my first ball if I need a mulligan I need a mulligan I'm thinking too far into the game like oh should I take one here I can do this just hit the shots. And then.

We'll go I like it okay Eightfold Par Four 421 yards the crack of this Ryan. And the Fairway kind of Narrows down there but I think you'll hit it far enough not. For me to worry Ritz cutting for me but I think secretly that 66 that he shot he wants that because he made me sit down. For a couple sausage rolls and get nice and tired I think he's uh I think he's a little subplot going on here what me oh that's a very stiff swing missed him right today.

Haven't I what do you think it's not great I just know if you hit if you bomb one it's like a 90-yard little pitch. So worse yeah we'll take that good use of a mulligan come on another birdie front nine I get another one before the ninth I think we're tracking. For something decent not heroic but decent to try and hit it when you then.

Get good oh that's going to be really nice what a great shot I think. So what a really good shot thank you let's pass that copy of that what a pin I thought you said you organized some I thought instead of hey this is the first nasty one to be first it is nasty that one though I can look at the pot should this go a little right. And then.

Straighten up a little bit on top I like that all right dude I thought straightened but I didn't think it would start to go left take a four 300 through eight it was not too bad there with a really really a really nice path where you can we not what do you think of this one Ryan that's pretty spectacular. And he's got quite an interesting pin for us it's like that's a hole in whomping it's like a super easy pin if you hit it in the right spot and then.

A super hard pin if you hit it anywhere else it kind of looks like if you get it right this could feed in real close and go in nearly and if you just miss it it kind of eases off that's a good pin that's the that's the easiest pin we're gonna have so we're gonna hit I got 52 degrees this is playing 115 yards this is 130 club. Or I should be like just under 130 Club wind feels mostly off the left little in if I hit this nice should just land a bit past and then.

Hopefully spin back at it so it goes as well yeah left to right this way yes yeah yeah you just got to get that section right on a crosswind it should be uh it's a tricky little shot. But we got it I'll be phenomenal Do It Go in oh Oh I thought we had that Oh I thought we had that one that looked really close that looks really close oh my god do it again do it again oh God oh my God I thought I did it. And I thought I called it before we did it too much oh man that's a nice putt though right that's a lovely part straight up the hill couldn't laugh yourself I better thought I like that that looked really good look at that. So it's finished there it pitched I mean you would have seen it from the Drone footage it pitched there it's a good effort to have missed to be honest wow it wouldn't have been far off come on to get the phone the path of the front nine yes got to take advantage of those yes well done they really good thank you impressive front nine four on the par with animals you're going to take in the N4. So I've got six to go nine holes I got some in my pocket which is nice. So maybe play a little bit more aggressive I think we really start. So yeah because I've got a couple in the bank I felt like I used more than I should have on that nine. And I only use four so yeah I think we can go full full steam ahead now tenthal par five 610 yards from this this particular team playing off today.

Aggression mode activated yeah I think. So let's get it going with the driver yeah oh yes too far left no perfect you say sir we need we need to get some footage of Rick Pretender he knows he's 39 from here 239 why have you got your shoe off you gonna Pace that one. For me okay it's where my Mass is good 239 plus 26 is going 263 55. 265. 265 to the front it's lit it's a raised green okay you just gotta bash it down there get as close as you can. And deal with it okay. So I'll just hit my three wood down there and see what happens yeah straighten up straighten up straighten up straighten up straighten up you got your big high drawer it's pretty nice it was a joke. So I don't know about distance but that's a good looking shot so right not bad not bad at all we were concerned about where it was finishing you know when I started to walk up here I saw Fescue just over the back. And we were kind of hitting a bit of a mystery number um it concerned me. But now that we're here we're in a good spot really good spot right just over the back uphill a little bit of tough behind it so it should just come out maybe a little dead and then.

Tumble I got 56 in my hand um this is one I'm gonna try. And haul this one yeah this is a this is a makeable chip. So go on pod not getting free right lovely speed sit well tiny I just ran out a little bit more collected off the club it will make that No need no need. For a mulligan though okay these are ones where we don't want to be using Mulligans no nice very good no I know I really didn't want you to either four five under five under three ten through ten oh hello starting to heat up a little bit six Mulligans left to play with as the crow flies straight towards the pin which is pretty much on the middle of that slope of the trees it's probably it's probably about 310 carat I think a cut up driver is fine. So this is if you need to see the planner all right there's a creek yeah there's that stream. So this is potentially one of the dumbest plays in golf. But we do it you've never hit this drive in a million yeah cool cool we're here tonight shoot 59 yeah all right to make friends yeah to lay off is that good it might just be a fraction too far right you reckon I reckon it's good he gets the thumbs up give us a thumbs up from the cameraman on the corner we are all hell holding our breath because I hit it you said too far right. But I just had one last look at the flag and I was like that's pretty good line perfect. And I just spotted out a little which I thought for distance should be good so it's at least going to be up there after an aggressive tee shot we've been rewarded just off the front of the green. But lovely little chip into yeah it's a tricky little chip. But it's way better than if I had to pitch from over there so yeah it's kind of hard right to left down up then.

Over. So it's a nice looking pitch though be incredible feel incredible do it yes yes yes Eagle we're back on now oh my god let's go get that one wow you're gonna look good. For a while too the moment I hit it I was like hang on I guess it was driver after all sheesh IP. And no Mulligans use there either no Mulligans I'm saving them up Eagle seven under par through what 11 through 11 needed that all right we're on now how will we smoke I'm gonna walk back here drivable powerful to come do it what a last hole actually no I'm gonna go the draw sorry I've moved on Rick hasn't Ryan's living on the 12th I'm still living on the 11th right now um okay you know what's exciting this is another very getable powerful you get two back to back I mean not that last I was really getable apart from the really long driver shot this is very getable 250 yards slightly downhill yeah it's very much at the front it's like 270 that plays about 20 downhill um pins at the front look at a bit of water at the right it takes a really good shot again um. But if it looks like having ever played it if you hit the right shot up the left a little bit this could you could get to sneakers up there pretty close so just a side note Ryan is three on sorry 400 through the last three holes with no Mulligans taken [Laughter] aggressive as you feel I think I'm gonna hit a draw here I think I need the extra carry out of this club um just a little too far. For like a stock or a little fade so that's we're gonna go with um let's do it foreign could be good it could be really good go go go right on the front edge that's we'll take that yeah I'm not mulling in there no no that's going to be a look at Eagle just just missed it like a fraction I don't know if you can hear the sound the difference in like that was a really good iron shot. But I reckon if I hit that right out of the middle I add another five in it and it might have been perfect but I didn't need much more to just keep feeding at it a little bit firmer yeah what do we got 15 just 15-ish feet. For eagles if Ryan goes back to back Eagle here something we have never seen on the channel before holy smoke break break ah love the speed yeah tricky little putt okay very tricky I don't think I can really be taken Mulligans there would be nice if I got to the uh yeah it was looking pretty kind of mid there. For a while but we picked up the pace and half five next.

Chance to tear that on that bunker you can see just to the right that bunk was perfect. And and that and you can absolutely go at it it doesn't absolutely offend me no if you put one down there at like 340 down the middle okay good okay I'm glad we got that out of the way yeah yeah just in case you were thinking yeah I'm glad we got that out of the way all right. So if you can do that would be great no worries man anything else uh just hits it as hard as you possibly want okay you got six milligrams get eight on the par I mean should be phenomenal. So he told me to hit it that's not good how much are you gonna get you to hit a provisional Mulligan I actually I want you to go slightly more left than that you said just rid of that bunker yeah just right right Edge I hit it one meter right instead of half a meter right of it provisional Mulligan foreign if that's wet I need to go to something. For you in a different Club that's the best try of it today.

Now that's perfect aren't they the same nope huge difference I've got high expectations of you now I'm just. So happy with that first one and I got forced into provisional Mulligan I was out. For that but isn't it a hazard too and or provisional million yeah yeah I forget I'm not hitting actual provisional it's a provisional Mulligan yeah right okay. So we got down here you can see I just wanted to show everybody the consistency of Mr Ruffles two driver shots I mean it's a bit front about this version. But later you said hit the second one a little after the first. So there you go it's actually first yeah yeah that's my first yeah no good you said this one hit a provisional I don't know how let's not have any tips if it's a little bit short it's a fairly simple chipping Port I think I want to get aggressive though I want to try. And Float a three wood in there and see if I can't hit something close I got Mulligans in the bank 100 foreign how close to a good shot to be honest perfect distance just right I mean I don't know if that's Mulligan worthy I'd rather take Mulligans I think on the chip I think yeah because the thing is if you take them with a canal you have to play it yeah. And that's not that bad that's just green side just in a little bowl that's an eight out of ten yeah where your next.

Shot who knows like there's a low percentage shot yeah you could easily get six feet yeah I don't think it's worth it there I'd really rather left that left to the green. But I would fancy chances more at chipping yeah I'd rather get take two Mulligans there. And try and hit one to within a foot or hold it then.

Try and hit one for 250 again yes we're thinking now great shot though no I think I'm better when I'm not thinking to be honest about The Mulligans I feel like you use this one sometimes you'll put it from off the ground whose told you that I've played with you at Iowa I use Twitter whenever I come my friend what we look obviously you want to hold it yeah I'd like to hold it is where we need to be pretty nice I'd say if I can get this Within six. Or seven feet I won't be taking a mulligan that's for sure oh that got a terrible bounce up that thing it's an easy decision you stay there yep that just got it that was looking nice I thought until it hit that I'm not sure if the camera got the bounce there. But I just have to go just inside that first Mulligan taken for a long time since he ate so this is the fifth Mulligan I've taken yes yeah yeah I just that one hit this thing that little ditch. And longer grass so same shot this we're going to go just inside there brakes it's a little bit annoying because I think the first one is looking pretty nice until I hit that. But I don't think I can take them all again there I drop yeah let's hold that putt yeah I think you'll hold it yes baby well done I'm glad you did one mole again one Mulligan burn. But I keep the streak alive so I think we're quite happy all in all nine under yeah we asked on serious what do we got 13 we played 13. yeah we are on serious 59 what's right we are now it wasn't looking like that a little run here that's got us back in contention. So I was nearly gonna sit myself in oh yeah that wouldn't have been a good idea no order no issue now because we kind of like the same people anyway I've actually got a few DMS already that have been saying that laughs 14th hole path three 220 yards back into the wind stronghold yeah it's what do you reckon just clung onto the back of the green the hard part about this game is if I choose to take the Mulligan there from 220. And I hit a shot that's a little bit worse than this and maybe ends up in the bunker left or that bunker there then.

It's a real waste yeah um it's not like this is not a terrible spot this is not like I'm in the Fescue. And I gotta hack something out this is just a putt from the edge of the green. So and to be honest you could still hold this yeah 100 stranger things have happened yeah stay up it's on a beautiful Line Stay Up oh just too far left nice well done. For not needing to waste one right it's a good three I think that's not the end of the world there we've got four holes left to play Ryan nine on the par to shoot a 59. we got to Birdie the last four holes tricky holes I've heard. But with feels like we're gonna have this one downwind at least so well this time it's on the course if it's downwind it's much like I said this could be useful to have a couple Mulligans in store here if I can get a good drive away. And give myself something shorter I think I can do do something with it. So 15th hole Par Four hardest on the golf course off these tees 470 yards but downwind um it's 254 to the front of that bunker 294 to cover them 294 to carry just straight over the top of them okay come on four birdies in the last four holes to shoot a 59. let's do it I've hammered that carry everything yeah it has oh my God that's Crush what are you doing why have you got a ball on. Yet I don't know I just had it warmed up it was hard to kill the face down that was good there that was a real good that was really good there wow that was hammered right 122 yards after a ridiculously 350 yard drive straight down the middle of the Fairway Ryan is feeling pump we have to make birdie okay we have to we've got five Mulligans okay we have to make 30. let's do it I'll be the number get over that shelf brilliant thank you brilliant good player in there really good player I've been very impressed with him I was impressed with him at Iowa work I think many of you watching who have not maybe if you've not seen that video go. And check it out after this just a proper golfer like he there's no in my eyes there's no weakness in his game um. And it seems to me when he gets that kind of bit between his teeth which you see in a lot of good players they wanna they wanna show off I felt that's the stage that at the moment he wants to shoot 59. he wants the birdies last four holes and I think he will I really do think he will it's a little shorter than it looked yeah I thought it was a touch closer yeah. And actually that one would have been good to know because I may have taken a mulligan we can go back I fancy hole in this putt it's a nice looking putt which is why I don't hate it. But then.

If I start to go statistical from 125 yards I think I average something like 14. Or 15 feet and this is maybe 17 feet now let's just hold this forget the rest I've done better when I've pretended that I didn't even have Mulligan. So exactly it's got to make another birdie yeah I told you I like to look at that putt I need to pretend forget the Mulligans just play golf hardest hole in the course yeah this guy hey this guy what's mad we played six holes on the back nine Ryan is six under on the back nine with only one Mulligan taken 59 watts is absolutely on it looks like try. And cover indoors you can 100 cover I mean yeah it's not that easy. But yes I can definitely 100 380 yards it was 278 to cover that bunker okay. So I've kind of got to I think just go straight over the top of the bunker oh no straight at the Green go I've hit that. So good though I think we have provisional Mulligan because I think that could be there yeah because I absolutely nailed that I tried to hit a big loopy draw. And I just hit a nice straight ball with where that is I find it hard to believe the first one's not good yeah that's nearly gone through the Fairway on that line. So we found the first one there was absolutely no problems whatsoever it's just because one is quite an aggressive line too I shouldn't do. But I kind of not underestimated how far Ryan hit him I've never known anyone twist it maybe so far so I didn't know if it was going to clear this trouble. But it it has done comfortably and we are in absolutely we're actually in a beautiful spot here yeah I actually don't mind it in that little bit of rough as well. But yeah I mean the rough did it's thin enough it doesn't really matter um I think from here I probably just got to land something into that slope yeah the bit of speed should take a little bit of speed off I'm actually going to go have a look I would we've got five milligans left to play with two. And a half holes left to play we just have to I think at this point we have to take Millions until we birded the hole unless we run out of Mulligans go in has it gone in oh close right it's about a foot away yeah okay I was gonna say I love that one I thought it was good it lived out did it really it leaped out oh my God that would have helped us a bit you wanna you probably want a mug in there don't you can do better than that it leapt out. For an eagle what we couldn't see it from down there obviously the top camera did out. For an eagle I'm just here watching the video I'm liking and subscribing to this video right away right to get to 11 under par I'm gonna line it up we'll just knock it in I'm just gonna listen to it drop have you ever seen anything like it that was nice that should have been 1200 far too he's seven under. For the back nine with only one Mulligan taken so here we are welcome holy to the 17th hole that looks hard what do you think that is. And I'm glad I got five in the bank that's wild that is a that's a spectacular looking hole. And a spectacularly hard looking hole how good is that yeah that is uh he's gonna take a golf shot it's 200. And well off the plate it's 255 yards obviously it's downhill yeah that is an island green you have to get a bridge to get to the green yeah there's just a that's a long way that flag looks small from up here yeah that pins back right there's lots of little kind of sections this green um this is getting really exciting 11 on the par two holes left to play the good thing is again five Mulligans left in your back pocket yeah I know you've probably in some regards I feel like you're in such a zone at the moment The Mulligans have not as important yeah The Mulligans are probably not Done. Yet much for me but I mean it'd be nice to hit this green um I can guarantee you if I hit this green that I'm not talking about again you actually shoot 59. we've got two holes to go you have to make birdie yeah that's true if you do eagles the last we can have if I can get this decently closed we can have a few putts at it. And I think that's the you can get it in that section of the green that that back right section then.

It's much flattering if you're not in the right section game over right come on around five iron into screen it's literally two yards short of the water over the water yeah right okay right Mulligan been taken 103 Club it's actually good to have it on this hall because that's it's. So hard to predict from this high UPS the crosswind and all that sort of stuff so yeah Mulligan four iron foreign that's the club in that bunker I've got three to go three to go this is why we saved them though right this is this is the hole this is exactly why we saved him. For this very hole just have just have a field day up here at the top he's having a practice session up here on 17. I mean it is the hardest part about this hole is the ball is in the air. For so long on a crosswind so the hardest part is being able to control that what that wind's going to do to it done it again I'm burning through them now how old you had oh it's coming back a tiny bit no well you know what I guess go one more I guess I could try. And haul a bunker shot but who's going to keep hitting them this could make. Or break this round right here God they're all like two yards too far right I guess you got one more you got two they're all in the exact you could put a towel over all of those there it is oh come on just go in the hole be good I think that's phenomenal there you go in the hole oh just short take that yeah I think oh dear God it looks good yeah I'm just annoyed it took me. So many I wanted like birdie this and then.

Have like four goes at it up a lot so I forgot left I got one Mulligan left right yeah right come on pal we've gotta box this ideally to shoot 59 I needed to probably hit that on the green on my first. Or second attempt would have been super helpful really difficult so much television this basically needs to go in I think to be a realistic chance. For 59 if I can make this. And then.

Have one Mulligan in the bag coming up the last play it pretty aggressive I think that's the uh that's the route to 59. they're leaving in yeah I think. So come on pal have faith you've been good on the greens all day stay there I mean the thing is if you don't murder this I can't see you Eagle in the last yeah I mean I've got a double breaker up two slopes it's not my best look. But I guess what are the options. But then.

Again but I guess if we're going. For a straight score I guess we're pretty focused on 59 right now if we're going. For straight score I would say take it up the last make sure you make birdie but but are you comfortable with 60 [Music] pretty grumpy with 60. I mean it's a bit of a double-edged sword if you're if you're all right with 60 then.

Fine come on we can always Eagle the last. So you want to try and hold one on the last yeah nice good pie I hit five shots yeah like if they put that pin deep left there oh mate it's really really good health I've enjoyed the course beautiful mate absolutely gorgeous I think this is like I told you if you're walking up one of the holes this would be fantastic prep. For going to play in the United States yeah tough long golf course um that yeah it's got the same grass as the us. And you don't get much of that over here so it's a good challenge and it's visually like quite intimidating it's it's quite forgiving but it's visually intimidating a lot of blind tee shots holes like this um I've made it look a little easier today.

But it played really good right one more hole to go Eagle required for a 59. long shot but still a shot it is a shot can I have a look at your little Greens book you don't need to I'd still like to see no right where's the hull you've basically got 334 where is that. So that is see the big tree like the bushy one the big yeah the biggest Tall Tree on the in the in like Fair bit what about the v in the treats is that all right uh slightly right of that. So that with a cut is good okay that absolute nuked is fine foreign yeah good yeah like outrageously good cool okay here we are final Fairway Ryan's hit an unbelievable t-shirt one of the greatest I've ever seen how far have you got 128 playing 134 134 yards got one Mulligan remaining he holds out here it's a 59 come on baby let's do it let's do it what are you hitting got a little pitching wedge it's kind of an in-between number. But I figure this might just hop forward a little bit so if I'm a Chancellor holding it it's probably with this club so it's turned too much that's disappointing so it's a lovely Golf Shop yeah just on that big right to left slope I got a little aggressive. And pulled it so final Mulligan taken I would have liked to have done a bit better there but all right so I know that slope's going to take it a ton the slope that I'm standing on. So I've got to get this started a bit outright or it's no good this is it from now no more Mulligans no more advantage this ball is now in play as well this is really nice this is really nice it's got to be good doesn't it we can't see the bottom of the hole I don't think it's in. But it's a nice shot yeah I feel like if it was in we would cameraman would be going then.

He's not he's come up short no 59. video over guys thanks. For watching [Laughter] where did I lose the 59 the fourth hole that part five agreed oh is it third fourth uh third third hole par five two Mulligans didn't make birdie from the middle of the Fairway that's uh after that you've not really made a mistake no I took I took up two Mulligans oh I took a mulligan off the tea I took a mulligan on the putt didn't convert either. Or didn't use either effectively had I done that I only need a birdie here things are a bit different. But if it chips in on and then.

The almost chipping on 16 yeah it's big two I mean that would have been huge yeah because realistically burning 17 is going to be hard either way let's go not like let's knock it in. For 60. it's a very very very good effort yeah. So it pitched here you'd see it on camera zipped down very very very good effort incredible effort I feel a bit deflated now though don't be daft knocked this in for a 60. oh great roll 61. don't be deflated you 11 under par Ryan amazing been a pleasure thanks for having me again be sure to follow around on all your social media um just a baller yeah yes it is it was a lot of fun. And um yeah like Rick said I'm going to be doing a little bit of behind the scenes of kind of what it looks like to be a a tour pro on the challenge tour this year too. So if you want to follow along and see how I'm going Vlog in there as well. But and also uh Ryan did a little behind the scenes video of this video which will be coming out on Ryan's Channel I'll link in the description below other mate I think I think what a place what a day I fancy that challenge again I'd like to do it again let's do it next.

Time I'm over next.

Time you're over let's do it at all with my home course I think I think we're a good chance of doing that 59 I think we keep doing it until I shoot 59. thanks guys we'll see you next.
