Golf is really hard when you're out on the golf course you don't get any retakes you don't get to do the shots again however. I've always wondered what would happen if I had the luxury of being able to play Mulligan shots where you can actually replay the shot completely. For free well in this video I'm down here at my home Course Marriott Worsley Park and play 18 holes and give myself 10 free Mulligans strategy might be needed will I need one here on the first after hitting an Aaron t-shirt we'll find out. Or will it be more on Mr birdie opportunities without further Ado 10 milligans 18 holes my target is without questioning the power. And we're looking for as low in the 60s as we can possibly go okay. So first of all Par Four and you know what first two nerves are a thing they're a real thing. For every golfer around the world I have got thirsty nerves a little bit today.

But having the security having 10 Mulligans in my back pocket I don't feel quiet as nervous but I don't want to be reloading on the First Tee so let's get one straight down the middle of the Fairway it's not pretty but it'll do this actually took a horrible bounce right um [Laughter] not ideal we're here in the trees oh I'm kind of wishing I've taken a mulligan off the First Tee already the bunker just short of the pin. But I'm gonna try and fade it to the right of that sit um not quite sure what to do that's gone through the back of the green am I gonna find it am I gonna do better than that I wasn't far off that I risk it I think I'll find it behind the green damn that was not a bad shot right making hard work of this even though I've got all these Mulligans third shot go a lot go a lot okay we've got a chance of power everybody that's it oh you fool I don't fancy making that the second time round. So just to make it interesting one over on the first no Mulligans used second old part. For driver in hand so let's try and get a birdie straight back I feel like I'm making this much harder than it needs to be but it's safe so my tactics today.

I'm kind of with my Mulligans I want to try. And save five for horrendous shots like I hit one out of bounds Etc and the other half the missed opportunities like if I've got a little three footer and I miss it for birdie so that's my tactics at the moment let's see if that's uh that plays out like that oh it's just so firm it's a tricky little pin this it's on a it's on the top of a ridge if it goes too far right it's gone and if it hangs out left it might not turn back sit sloppy but I want to take one already whether I fancy held in that pot I'm going to take one already we're gonna go. For it first Mulligan being taken straight away second hole earlier than I wanted to granted but Mulligan ball in play now once the Mulligan ball is in play I can't play the first one this now is the live ball I'm just getting it completely fresh shot at this I would apply it differently I might just go. For a little bit more Loft because that came out hot I thought this challenge was going to be very easy I'm making it incredibly hard the only way I can Rectify this if I hold this port [Music] ah Rick Rick Rick I'm not annoyed I'm just disappointed in myself bogey bogey start what Mulligan used when I woke up this morning I didn't expect to be two over through two with ten Mulligans right come on Rick this is this is quite embarrassing at the moment two over through two with with 10 Mulligans to use. And I've used one keep drawing a little bit and that should be good okay now the video Starts Now The Challenge starts I don't need that other golf ball good drive confidence booster let's go get back there get back there oh where was the big hard bounce I got on the last oh get going go oh it's good online as well power on the score card get back there we've got our best chance. So far at Bernie which is still a 20-footer oh I just needed hitting it just needed hitting okay two par fives coming up let's go make some birdies. Or even better some Eagles that should be perfect I don't like to boast uh but I've just did that drive about 390 yards. And I'm not joking I hit a great tee shot granted and it's a path that runs halfway through this hole well not halfway where my ball would normally land my ball now just just for context I'll just show you this my golf ball is absolutely flown off that path there's the evidence. And I'm now down here with really less than 200 yards left into this hole so huge Advantage need to capitalize on it a Time front of the green let it run up get lucky be nice be nice oh yeah you know I'll tell you that every day all right this is more like it I really want this Eagle I'm gonna go. For a a mulligan here I just box it first time that's not playing up the hill right to left to put that alike [Laughter] oh that was nowhere. But sensor eagle back to level power no Mulligan needed I should just hit it 390 yards every hole makes it. So much easier right that was very nice very satisfying not an eagle on the channel. For ages oh feel better now back to level part I feel like this is more like the golf you come to expect now let's see if we can make another birdie it's not my best hit in the world. But should be okay yeah that's actually fine we're in a good spot there the ball is definitely going a lot further than I'm expecting because this is right around the corner I'm in the roof it's not the best line in the world let's see if I can muscle a six iron get it on the front. And let it run all the way to that back flag I'll Chase and be good Chase and be good well sit oh my God just run over the back of the green here not actually terrible but everything's falling away from me so I've got to land something here and then.

Just hope the ball puts the brakes on I've not got the best lie either in fact it's an absolute awful lie yeah I just didn't fancy that at all more. And more than anything though just a lie it was on a patch where there wasn't much grass right I think a Mulligan's going to be taking that in play all right it's got to do better than that one actually shanked it was uh that was not in the plan I hunted out a lot of shot was. And break yes hey there's no pictures on a scorecard. But there is proof on video thank you it's got something weird written in the air today.

I feel I can feel it whether it's a holding one another Eagle who knows. But I think something's gonna happen get there oh yeah very nice okay this is nice now this is where I've really got a question whether I take the Mulligan. Or not if I miss it I mean my first objective is not to miss we'll decide after that actually I'm gonna have to have another go you have to have a mulligan from there that's a good roll as well maybe just broke a smidgen more than I expected it to I'm gonna go outside the hole this time I'm very glad I took one there that they're the ones in real golf when you don't get a second chance they're the ones you drive off after the round. And go that Port that I missed on that signature hole not today.

Not when you've got Mulligans to use right two under through seven this is looking more like a respectable scorecard [Music] I wanted a provisional slash Mulligan I don't actually know if that's dead. And buried but if it is I'm going to use a mulligan that's the one that's the one okay first ball was lost. So fourth Mulligan has now been taken uh I suppose as long as I only use one more different nine we're about right should be nice yeah very very nice pin High just left a decent look at birdie here on number eight oh I didn't break it dead. But it broke light oh about here I thought that was in. And it just didn't kind of snap and go left on the right par still two under through eight I think as long as I want to hit a nice iron shot into this green we'd be really nice to finish the front nine three under oh that's the worst golf shot I've ever eat in my life well that's an easy decision looking ball needed cut the one bounce. And hop okay that's what I should have done the first time [Music] I honest genuinely right now this thing is keeping me alive in this game right 300 through nine five Mulligans used I reckon we should be starting to aim. For 65. come on let's go not too much caught straighten out weird that might be all right but I will take a provisional Mulligan hit come in yeah that one's good I've got there's a chance my first one might be okay. But if not my second one's really nice it really feels almost like because there's no pressure on it I'm almost too relaxed I need to just stay committed to those tee shots because that's not where I want to be using my Mulligans I just didn't know that the wind was. So strong off the left there for that second shot so I've left it up on this hill down very very fast put from here [Music] I thought that was going to be a lot lot faster than what it was not my best stroke. But it's in the hole take a par on there I've only got four Mulligans left now I really start using them for birdie opportunities only I'll be good be good go in it's about 20 foot short go oh all it lack was speed on to the next.

12th hole Par Four. But it's a drivable one just over 300 yards I feel like another Eagle might be on the cards I'm just gonna go straight at it oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we've got Mulligans today.

Down to just three remaining best make sure this one is worth it don't know if I've hit it well enough get there it's down the path we pin High just left to the green [Music] oh boy where you going not particularly very impressive from there birdie opportunity here now on 12. really annoyed myself on that hole there's not really a chance of me even taking another Molly good maybe the chip. But I've already used one on the driver shot that's annoying that I've used a mulligan and not made a birdie on arguably the easiest on the golf course I need to make some more birdies we've got to get to six under I'm 300 currently come on I can do this um it's a bit of a drop kicker. But it'll do okay second insurance is part five I'm 240 yards away. But in the roof bit of a fire lie and it's downwind I'm gonna go four iron I'm gonna land it about 210 yards and let it scoot up to the green I mean we've made one Eagle. So far today.

Might as well make another I'll be phenomenal be phenomenal stop stop thank you thank you we are about I mean it looks about 10 foot away come on I feel another Eagle I really do look at this oh this is a proper Eagle opportunity here on 13. it's almost how many attempts is it going to take me I've got three mulligans left the second eagle of the day burn the edge it burnt the edge well I definitely going to take it again because even that's not a knocking right another Mulligan I'm now down to just two. But if I convert this for an eagle it'll be worth it oh it's gone the other way you know what ah do I take another one do I take another one the thing is that the first one went left the second one went right. So I think I'm just gonna have to take my take my birdie ah damn that's annoying that's annoying. But I can't I don't want to go into the final five holes with no Mulligans in the bank because just in case there's a bad tea shot four under is the new score still plenty plenty of chances. For birdies do I do just feel like something special is gonna happen today.

Let this be it pitching wed straight at it one hop I'll do it oh it's big that was the hardest first bounce I think I've ever seen okay. So after the hardest first bounce I've ever seen with a pitching wedge I think that they've hit that wedge about 160 yards about 30 footer back up there well more than 30 foot 40 yard feet back up the hill ah [Laughter] thank you 500 par easy game genuine I think that's the longest Port I've ever hauled on camera without question if you can remember along the one leave a comment down below 65 is definitely on the cards that's a great Drive no I've fooled it get down dig your teeth in take your teeth in a lot of me wants to take a mulligan here. But so much of me just thinks I don't know if I'm going to play it that much diff much better. And my port is on fire. So let's just see if we can hold the put it's got a chance oh oh my God I seriously thought I had that oh two Mulligans left five on the par if I can get through this hole 17. And 18 are very very birdieable let's see if we can get through this hole without using any Mulligans okay. So Mulligan needed here that's not a great hit it's got to carry the bunkers yeah just that's really a good spot there now should have done that the first time that is horrendous hit the Drone [Music] that is horrendous one of the worst shots I've hit today.

I'm off the side of the green pin High Gotta Get Up. And Down sit okay hmm we've got that port. For par let's hope the Potter can bail me out again [Music] oh God that hurts that's a bad hole like really bad hole don't ever think about this just. For a second because do I take them all again now do I save one my fear is I'll take one now there's no guarantee I'm gonna hold this shot I'll get this this port the goal is 65. I'm now going to make two birds in the last two holes I think I've just got to go with that you have to accept the bogey oh that was such a good thought again in. For five back to four under two to play two birdies needed luckily for me a drivable Par Four and a par five coming up oh it's a tiny bit left which should be okay [Music] not ideal not even a little bit Get Lucky go in the hole one of the great shots I've ever hit in my life I'll be honest with you right nice look at birdie with a mulligan in my back pocket come on really need one there [Music] very nice very nice that's a five under one to play one Mulligan left 600 is definitely on. But it's been fun this it really has to have 10 Mulligans at my disposal as I mentioned earlier I think all golf should be played like this it does definitely answer a lot of questions that missed opportunities if you had them again Aaron T-shirts if you had the opportunity to take them again just shows how golf is. So difficult because you get one chance and one opportunity anyway right now I've got one chance and one opportunity to make birdie our eagle I'm five on the par I'd love to finish this last hole with a bird you're an eagle it's a par five slightly into Breeze I've got one Mulligan left just a good drive and I feel like we should be we should be on the greeting too right okay that shot I don't actually think it's lost it's just slightly over to the right maybe even the other Fairway. So I'm gonna get provisional slash Mulligan so I might use it but if I find my first one I'm gonna play that one that's a little bit down the right as well but it's nowhere near as bad okay. So I actually found my first shot it's in the bunker here on a different hole terrible one of the worst shots I've ever hit however. I've had a few of them today.

I've had some of my best shots. And some of my worst shots foreign I caught the caught the bank but I'm safe third shot into the par five here either hit this one close and I use my Mulligan if I need it for my put if I don't think this close I may need to use the Mulligan here the slope is that cleared the green okay that has come out like an absolute rocket ship somehow. So I'm going to take my Mulligan here last one another good number ten okay I'm gonna go sane club that was definitely a flyer lie we've got one chance now to get up. And down I'll be nice be nice sit okay we're on the green it came out a bit low-flighted. But we've got a port of maybe about 15 feet for birdie ah not as close I wanted to be however. you never know with the magic wand in the hand today.

We could just box one more birdie that's crazy that second one look where it pitched I mean it's pitched like two. And a half feet away from the hole but with no spin out that lie that my second lie that I had much more sat down. So we got this out of Lights we've had a mulligan still in my pocket for this last green but it is what it is what I don't want to do is anything silly I want to roll this in. Or super super close oh I've noted it and I've left myself a right little slippery one to finish [Laughter] oh Rick I just had fears that I was gonna hit that six foot pass. And I've ended up leaving it two foot short all right guys if you've enjoyed the video be sure to like And subscribe this for a 66 not the length of what I wanted managed to knock it in guys thanks for watching stay tuned lots more to come and that was 66 with 10 Mulligans used.