Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic golf centre in manchester. And today.

I want to show you my new toy this is a driver i've been using. And i'm completely been suckered to it i've lofted up i've gone with now a tailor-made sldr driver um let me talk to you about the reasons why and also i'm going to get on gc2 hit some real golf balls show you how far that i'm currently hitting it with this. And talk about how i personally feel at the moment this driver is the best on the market. And i often say i've tried a lot of drivers i will definitely say i'm using this in my bag at the moment this is one of the best drivers out there um. So a couple of weeks ago i went down to wentworth uh went to the the fitting studio with taylormade down at wentworth and i took the driver that i was hitting at that point the longest the uh ping i-25 i was honestly hitting it out the park i was hitting it as long as i've ever hit it. So i went with that i went armed with that and i was ready to prove taylormade. And loft up wrong i was ready to stop that whole thing okay it didn't quite work out what was interesting we got unfortunately the video that i did down there the audio was corrupt. So unfortunately i can't use that video and show you the difference between the i-25 that i was hitting. And this but i'm going to show you what i'm doing with this currently on gc2 giving you some real data with real golf balls to show you why i made the decision of choosing this. So first off when i went down there like i said i was hitting this high 25 really well got on track man got hit some shots hitting my golf club against the the new taylormade golf club. And i was noticing quite a big difference in spin rates that was the first thing i noticed my ping was spinning at about 2 500. consistently the 460cc head in this was spinning about 2 000.. So the the techie guys down at taylormade said hold on we can improve that we can make that even better. So what they did they put me in the taylormade sldr430 head. So this is the smaller head instantly the spin rates dropped they dropped less than two thousand anywhere average between 1700. And 2000. so then.

This is where they've come up with this loft up theory. And if you're not familiar with the loft up theory it's quite an interesting idea it's quite an interesting thought process taylormade have basically got lucky and created a driver that spins ridiculously low you know the spin rates on the driver of the sldrs are ridiculously low. So to figure out hold on if it's spinning this less how's the how is it going to go up in the air. So that's where they came up with the idea they've got to add loft to make it go up in the air so when it's up in the air it doesn't spin once it lands it has less resistance and will roll further as well. So that's the whole idea behind it why it's such a low spinning head is because they brought the centre of gravity all the way forward now you might look back in my catalog of videos. And i did a loft up video on my own in here. And i will completely go back on everything i said there because i didn't hit the ball well with this drive i wasn't hitting it well. And i think a lot of it was down to the actual shaft that was using it with. So this is the diamana uh khalil shaft in 70 gram in stiff flex now the taylormade guys were saying i was swinging about 110 ish miles per hour that i could have probably got into extra stiff. But i wasn't a big fan of the extra stiff i prefer the stiff shaft um so that's why i went for the the stiff in the end because i just felt like it it gave me a little bit more feel i don't like it being extra stiff it just feels a bit too hard to hit really and you almost force the golf shot more the stiffer you get it and that that can ring true to quite a lot of you out there that's watching you might be a regular shaft if you got fitted. But you kind of want the stiff shaft because macho but therefore. you try and hit it harder to compensate and maybe that's not the right right fit for you what the the thing the whole thing that's been the whole experience taught me a lot about custom fitting and how ridiculously it is important it really is because you know i could have gone down there. And i could have just used a 460 head standard stiff flex i would have still been hitting my i-25 further but because this was specked up the loft i've got it in 12 degrees of loft 12 degrees. So definitely i used to use nine and a half i've locked it up a hell of a lot two and a half degrees but the stats that i'm getting at the moment are just incredible. So what i'm gonna do i'm gonna hit five shots just to give you an idea of what it's doing how far it's um we'll talk a little bit about dispersion as well. But that's not that's not too key that felt really nice right that's a great example of what this driver can do 283 yards of carry distance less than 2 000 spin. And lofted it at 13.7 i would probably expect that to be a little bit higher loft than that now 283 carry distance with low spin is a pretty decent drive that's going over 300 yards comfortably yeah it's amazing 16 degrees of loft launch angle 2 200 spin that time. So a little bit higher spin but 280 yards of carry distance again now traditionally i would say i hit a driver either whether it be my old ping drivers or other drivers that i've tested normally in the 265 270 carry range that's what i would normally say i've done a bit of strength work recently but i'm definitely improving the distance with technology and using using the taylormade here 280 yards of carry distance is a really nice hit now 280 again looks wise behind the ball i'll prefer i personally prefer the two the 430 head just with being a little bit smaller a bit more compact um i mean it's only 30 cc that's not a great deal of difference. But i i was probably unaware that this this option was available until again you know you go down to the experts down at fittings centers etc. And they can give you all this information. And not not just tell them any manufacturer you know there's always hidden clubs that they've got either a different spec certainly loads of different shafts that they have now with the weight at the bottom i've got this in what i would now class as being neutral the blue little dot on the sliding weight bar here is slightly draw biased i generally draw the ball a little bit too much. So i wouldn't have it there i've just got it two notches more towards what you would class as being the fade biased but it's pretty much in the center of the head so i'm using that as being pretty centered let's go two more felt nice not gone quite as fast spun up a little bit too much there so i've probably caught out the bottom but for a bottom strike that still spun only at 2800 still gone 268 yards which personally for myself i would say would have been average in the past and that's a bad shot now i just said that's average right let's go one more just feels. So good 2002 spin again 278 yards of carry distance now some of you who follow me on facebook and twitter would have seen that recently i hit a drive over up to 300 yards carry and that's kind of my ultimate goal i want to get up to an average of 300 yards carry i've never ever done it before i'm starting to see signs of that with technology with strength building i'm doing with barry edwards and if you've not checked out you can check me out on facebook. And twitter by just using the link over here but that's the reason why at the moment i'm using the taylormade sldr 430 head hashtag loft up giving it the feeling of low spin loads of height but it's the carry distance that's just you know carry with that extra roll it's just outrageous distances so we throw up the averages up on screen now so we'll see there now after the five shots that i've hit my average carry distance now is 278 yards i would definitely that's a 10 yard improvement on carry distance spin rate i've just had that one that spun up too much which was the two six eight one caught a little bit off the bottom of the golf club more maya than anything. But it's still you know as close to 2000 you can as you can get it really 14.6 degrees of launch that's where my 12 degree drivers i'm hitting slightly on the way up create a bit more launch 161 ball speed that's fast you know i'm happy with that. And like say average carry distance of 278 yards with a potential total distance of 300 yards comfortably so guys that was what i'm that's what i'm using the bag at the moment that's going to stay in the bag until something beats it. So i'm looking forward to the other manufacturers bringing golf clubs without me testing them maybe getting custom fit from to see if i'm going to take this with me to every kind of manufacturer. And see what can beat it. So at the moment i've not found anything just yet but that's only because i got fitted got properly custom fitted for this golf club guys thanks so much for watching if you've enjoyed the video and give it a bit of an insight of why i've used this golf club give it a thumbs up you can comment down below ask any questions about the driver i'll feel free to answer them you can also check me out facebook. And twitter down here and you can subscribe by clicking the link down here thanks. For watching and at the moment this is well. And truly stayed in the bag my tailor-made sldr 430. thanks for watching you.