So you've seen me recently come and play golf and I shot four path but today.

I'm coming out to play better. And to do that I've enlisted the skills. And services of a real lifestyle pro Cabot so we've jumped out to the golf course and watch you come around to the 11th hole we're gonna open on this hole because the front lines busy I've got Steve Brotherhood arms the back Steve has been a caveat on tour for 16 years three tour wins he's wearing my bib the name shields on today.

Cuz he's gonna guide me around this golf course by the way this video isn't brought to you by BMW it's the river had in the BMW program got Steve sell tour Kelly experiences the way of being able to get a caddie to come. And help you play golf so today.

He's gonna help me play golf right I am we're gonna try. And break Park we are definitely a great part without a condition it is we're down admire it was a partner. So fine on the alive starting on the 11th but we're gonna swing all the way around okay what we're hitting on the first is. So I yeah I can walk out this morning this is quite a tough hole its wind straight off your left hand side 193 yards going on your yardage is I think you just need to smoother. For iron so we're not going to try. And kill anything start was aim it left let the wind do the rest love it it's nice being told what to do I'll be honest with you Steve that wasn't my best dry note well I won't blame you put up decision that was all on me she's quite nice look at this [Music] badly okay what we're saying today.

Looks like it's a bit left to right you achieve all right yeah OPL say probably not going to break as much with it being slightly up the hill cup out the left. So after a shaky tee shot down to me we make par we move on to net about opening hole that made it a lot easier when I have Steve just tell me exactly what to do. So Steve was out on the golf course at 7:30 this morning taking notes what we're hitting this day as it winds off the right slightly better help we're gonna aim it at the right bunker green side that gives you opens up all the green it's an easy chip from there don't get greedy don't go going. For the flag cuz you've got water on the Left it's a simple driver don't take the green on let's just leave it front right give you an easy up-and-down for birdie okay opens up the green outside I pasted it this morning. So it's 11 on line from there so it's 63 and 11 okay 72 the flag straight downwind probably playing about 67 we need to pitch it all the way there cuffs off just put in. So pick your wedge that you feel comfortable with an 11 o'clock swing with my 60-degree [Music] [Music] very good very nice I don't thirteenth five five Rick five o'clock wind boots down off your right green side bunker that's why we're bringing it down okay. So two holes in having a professional caddy for me what's good is that feel super-confident. But when he gives me a club and ties wrought lines it that's what I should do I don't quite pull it off I don't only feel like I'm letting myself down I feel like I'm letting him down which is a little bit of a different mindset to change hopefully I can warm up this idea of having a saw Pro cutaways good he's already up there looking. For my golf ball Cindy 175 to carry the water so I like a two iron okay you know a position. But I think with a flight on this you've still got a really good chance of getting it on the green from here that's very good get up there okay. So just just a chip and a runnin you should just turn a little from right to left along the contours of the fairway yeah take a partner this is our fourth hole which is the fourteenth a par three what was playing this us D. So it's hundred and thirty five the flag okay plays downhill. For so one three one and then.

The breeze is helping us off you're right. So it's like a five o'clock wind so for me so after 125 dealt with your picture [Music] I like the look of it we good very nice finally Gosha [Music] I was playing golf all on the par birdie hole 15 dogleg you're gonna hit driver straight over the left bunker there winds off you your right. And helping us yeah I want that guy we've got 123 119. So you got wedge is your 52 right yep. So just gonna hit that full it should be a really good number for it and just right at the Pope just right the flag off that lie and then.

If the wind holds it up that's perfect good pitch up nice you reading this from both sides state just what I never know me Duke city normally confuses me if I see it first from one side I'll always stick with it okay what a lot of people don't do is have a look from the side they go from either side behind the hole. But from this side now if I look from here I can see the ground is higher on that side there is his side which tells me I think it's gonna be a left-to-right putt okay which in my first instance would be just outside the left Oh who's a really good try really good try that's a good port as well take it off I've got one good 153 plays uphill six from here to the bat flag okay. So that's 159 three on tops and 156 is what we trying to eat it which is got to be plane nearly 170 because of the wind let me show you why where the phone call we see last night just shows this is these caddie book. And I gave him all my distances last night on the phone and what I like doing and what I don't like doing different distances as as much as I'm aware of and then.

He's got a course probably what you went round with this morning and made loads of notes just jump on the hole that are on there see I'm 16 here. So we're here plays uphill from here so we were just on top of this slope where it was three on the top. And you got seven behind the flag so 156 to get it on top playing 170 so this is 7-iron. For you Rick and I think you can just eat it normal the yardage was work out perfect he's six behind it. So he's playing 180 to the back you're not going to do that okay thinking just a normal one straight at that flag right down it just a little short maybe one last not bad good hit I wouldn't have taken enough consideration to the wind I think out of it in a time from there. And I'd have been wave wave the front of the green right the time rolling [Music] you know sticking through the brake pedal little grate in the middle either very good so good for today.

On the whole you ever read much brake on those short ones fated friends I mean you can get some really smelly ones where there's like a cup of brake on certain golf courses especially in Asia when you're on grainy greens you know that is a real real nightmare to read because you know you could have a flat pot. But then.

If the grain has been cut that way you know you've got to outside the hole for it to take the grain and what I mean by grain is. For people that don't know is that the way the green grass is cutting in Asia you'll see a difference in color. So you'll see the light way light grass and then.

The dark grass and it's all what which way it's cut so you have to be really good at reading the grain to to judge it especially on them little pots because they can easily get away from you okay. So short par 4 you've got the length to reach the screen the flags only seven on so it's right at the front and the wind is coming from 11 o'clock. So it's just slightly out the left but mainly in a decent Drive you can certainly reach the screen Rick you see the tallest tree up the left that's where we're aiming because the left sides are a better miss because the flags on the right not bad quite tail I want to try. And do is put you off way between the front of the green. And the flag but on the left because as it sit it runs out we're going to try. And get it running up the green a little bit and to the right and don't like the lob wedge you like sort of more the Sun dying so 4 5 4 4 feet 5 feet left of that flag preaching it in between the fringe in the pin yeah [Music] really good touch it positive sorry see we don't apologize in this game go at your boss. For that we've got a girl you player now I wouldn't need to [Music] on the bank I think normal conditions I think to ayan comfortably gets there. But I think - I'm gets the front today.

Which is the easiest shot to turn it a little bit with this tree hang in there 3-wood I just see it drifting with the wind. So I like to iron straight at the flag and if it just turns over a little bit comes up front edge it's a good player [Music] okay they're near the front of the green yellow Malaysia blades are going to play with that now we're slightly downhill. But they're raising up to the flag obviously where the Greens being so spongy we don't want to be throwing it too far so just a little chip and run and play it like a put if you like I could want want to get yeah like that. So want to get it on the green and and just run into the hole so you see where the the shadow of the flag is need to almost start it there. And just let it drift up the hill I like that like it a lot go in how is that not Benny Oh about a minute I. For illegal and to go to on the par you're doing all right so far for estate [Music] really good pop yeah very nice okay. So we've done nine hole so far and good news to report two on the par I'm gonna concentrate now from the next.

Few holstee it's give me amazing advice it's definitely making my decision making a lot easier I'm not questioning it which is good I'm starting to feel a lot more confident. So I'm gonna concentrate on the next.

Few holes to see how low we can actually go with 200. So far how how deep can we go it's got one four seven the flag pretty much straight into us just a smooth seven. So it goes in a little bit lower okay I like that stay in there good shot you know I like like dead straight I see a bit of both. But overall I think straights good [Music] just let it play bring it [Music] 187 to the back 181 the flag. And the wind is helping us get lying okay. So she's a good 7 just keeping it laughter this flag right I was thinking that yeah you got 14 left of it. So an only six right that's really nice play well it's pretty straight overall you've got that a little bit of wind it's gonna maybe just push it a little bit cuz it's quite strong so I like you're going I still like it going straight stand on Rick change my mind last minute change my mind right edge the green is going away from it probably not far from where we are anyway I like that right edge just positive role I'll be honest I didn't middle they tried to come. But it's sort of straightened up for the hold in it I didn't middle it says 160 flag again 11 o'clock win so it's just coming in the green slopes from right to left and we need to pitch it all the way there normally I go 7 ok I'm happy to go with 6 I mean I still want you committing to it because you know what you've said you don't feel like you commit to some shots this is like grip down a smidgen yeah. So you see where the magpie is yeah we're going to go right at this flag 657 we're trying to hit this like a 70 shot. So you're taking a about ten or twelve off this yeah [Music] almost like a carbon company that's too cheap shots that have been really close oh good another good part we just we're just trying to bring it down left of that left of the flag in the fat part of the green there yep a bottom really good recovery into power it's all right that's get a bit the path [Music] soon the burn on the bank yeah yeah well as audience yeah yeah I'll clip from the Cuddy bad club the first one no to be fair to you yeah hold my hands up. For that one [Music] very good good say thank you [Music] their hive it's okay [Music] you see like the dark the dark cut. So it's just on the left of the cut on on that and let it just come back down [Music] that's better good I still - on the par I've made no bogeys we have two birdies early doors. And then.

We've been fighting to hold on to at the moment there's some good up and downs we've got a par three and a tough par for both into wind last two holes let's finish strong okay. So we have got 174 yards the flag is 16 on. So that makes it 60s 58 to the front but we've got to get it all the way up there can use honest on the shelf on the top. So after walking this morning we need to pitch it pin I write 174 is playing 190 forget what number of just Cedric. And just a normal five I for me you know it's just a normal five and I want you to finish it on the last tree nothing else you just put the swing on it last you're on the road yeah I've got this one right. So you just put a normal swing on it okay plugged on top of the hill okay that was on me [Music] before I gotta go flying [ __ ] good try just a little bit too far. But it was a good effort I went the whole way come on keep the park keep the bogeys off the card it's good pace that's all we're looking. For Oh can we can we elbow yeah touching person Roman is a power saver their peak proportion right we're still two on the path we've got one hole left to go okay as we embark on the final hole in this challenge. And being 2-under I cannot thanks tea enough for taking part in this little challenge you want to go and check out tour caddy experience definitely do it Steve. And his team of caddies tend to help you play some back at golf I'm playing better today.

It's definitely had an impact in building my confidence I've hit it better compared to the four over I shot recently I'm playing better. But the confidence that Steve give me has been great as well what do you think I could do back to help improve my case. And well I mean you like you said you've played good all the way around I think that you need to learn how to it softer shops. And be confident doing it because you know it's made my my job a little bit more difficult because you've told me that you don't like you can smooth shots. So uncertain cold where the numbers been right in between clubs I'm having to get you to it though the club that's right on the limit and sometimes it's come up short where normally I would say you need to smooth this one in but because you're not confident doing it and you've you know you've been spraying it a little bit by a ting the smoother shot then.

We've had to go away from that so that's for certain and then.

Obviously just you you chip in not you around the Greens you chip quite nicely but sort of the short of shot 60 70 yards you know you've got to get that you said the guys who played. For normalize exactly yeah I'm. So not confident in those areas awesome mega rusty yeah absolutely I mean we never had a warm-up we just come straight on the first tee. And you - under par so you haven't done bad what holds up like can we continue it I see driver we're in driver [Music] 170 is playing 180 just a normal six again forget the numbers you just play a full a full six I I want you coming down you sees like the little marker I'm coming down the yes they write the flag cuz all the contours brings it back to the flight by the way my clubs have never been this clean thanks T great that's a perk of over the cabbage right come on sorry I won't agree 100% in between the tree. And the floor exactly that that's perfect yeah just a normal six four feet laughs yeah. And that's just have a a really good pace on it Zoomer think I like it simmer think I love it oh that's a lovely tip that I'll do it's my favorite number okay 69 to finish get guys go make sure you check out Steve on his social media let's see if we can finish strong as a bogey-free 69 thanks. For watching and we'll see you next.
