I have tested a lot of golf clubs in my time but this set i'm going to show you is possibly the most scary the most daunting most unforgiving set of irons i have ever seen. So these are the irons cobra ricky fowler the rev 33s now ricky fowler's been working with cobra to come up with his perfect set of irons it's taken him two years. And 33 revisions hence the name rev 33 and the they're everything that he wants the look the feel the performance the loft the shaping he has had the final say on every final little detail and they are a gorgeous set of irons i've got to say now i say gorgeous. But i also i'm going to carry that with the word scary the reason why i say that is because there is zero degrees of offset which offers no forgiveness. And the top line of these irons is the thinnest top line i have ever seen out of any set of irons they just look. So scary certainly this club i've got in my hand which is the four iron which i'm going to attempt to hit in this video. So unfortunately at the moment i can't get out on the golf course i'm going to test them here in the home simulator i'm going to start off with wedge which should be easy to hit. And work my way up until we get to the four iron that's the one i'm most worried about hitting so i've got here four to pitching wedge let's start this end the pitching wedge this honestly this set of irons look gorgeous 100 milled copper finish now they are limited edition there's only 750 sets available 500 being sold in the us 250 sets being sold around the world. And they are very expensive considering you don't get much club head. For your money they're actually priced at two and a half thousand dollars per set now not for one minute do i expect people to be buying these to put them in the bag to go. And play golf and you know expect performance it's more for a hardcore either cobra hardcore fan or a ricky fowler hardcore fan that might buy these just a bit of a collector's item start with this one first the pitching wedge the lofts are very lofted you know there's more traditional 47 degrees of loft here. So i'm not expecting this to go super far oh my goodness honestly the head size behind the golf ball is unbelievable i mean the shaping of it it is gorgeous there's no it's. So symmetrical like every single angle you look at it it is a gorgeous set of irons. But the other thing is they look like the most bladed set of irons i've ever seen in my life which do really kind of worry me. And scare me let's hope i can start off with hit some nice pitching wedges let's see how they feel this is my very very first shot with this set of irons oh. And i didn't hit it well i fatted it not the best start let's see a couple more of these now yeah i hit that terrible. But i can tell already this set of irons just offers no forgiveness if i strike it ever. So slightly off perfect i will get punished with this set [Music] i felt like a better golf shot that felt good off the face felt really nice. And solid it feels um it feels soft you can get some nice response from it. And that that's okay to hit. So far the pitching wedge i'm gonna hit one more i'm gonna start working up the set i think it's gonna be a point around maybe six iron five iron where uh it's gonna offer almost no level of forgiveness i'm gonna one more wedge [Music] oh this looks nice get up there oh very nice. So that's that first shot that i didn't hit well the next.

Two shots i hit much much better they feel great they feel very similar to a bladed iron i've hit in the past forged soft you get that real nice response as soon as you hit it out the sweet spot now for a picture way so far that's not too daunting i'm not looking down at that feeling too worried but that might change as i start to work up the set i've had blades before and i know how scary they are to hear. But i've got to say these are next.

Level blades how thin these are unbelievable. So let's start working up nine nine eight times seven iron i think it's going to get around six iron where i'm going to start to really lose my nerve over the over the shot. And be a little bit more worried about hitting those [Music] that's wedge nine and eight and so far so good it definitely gives me a greater appreciation of the quality of ball striking you need to have to be able to play with a set like this next.

Item hitting is the seven iron this is 35 degrees of loft. And the top line again out of all the irons i keep mentioning it that top line is unbelievable thin. And as i put it down behind the ball it's the first time i've really noticed the ball actually looks big like it looks bigger than normal just because that head is. So so tiny [Music] all right guys i'm struggling i've had pitching wedge nine and eight nicely and i managed to hit a lot of greens since that seven iron six iron i'm missing more greens than i'm hitting well i just anything that's not not in the absolute sweet spot i just find that it for me it's drawing too much it's missing green the level of forgiveness is honestly next.

To none. And we've still got five iron and four iron all right this is the five now oh my goodness this is where i could really embarrass myself i must admit you you gotta think someone like ricky fowler. Or all these tough players that use blades like would i want that club in my hand when the pressure is on absolutely not like i would if i was playing well in a tournament i'm on the 18th hole. And i've got to hit a five iron into the green i would not want to see that thin butter knife golf club that would scare the hell out of me i know i wouldn't be using these right let's move the green back to 200 and see if i can hit the five [Music] that felt the best out of all the shots i've hit i didn't expect that i'll pull that one out the bag that was unbelievable [Music] oh i can't do it every time oh no. So there's the two contrasts that first shot i cannot hit a better golf shot than that i've absolutely middled it the strike off the middle of face felt unbelievable that's the benefits negative very next.

Shot i thought i did everything exactly the same i missed middle by by hardly anything it felt horrible in my hands the ball missed my target miles to the left i got no level of support from this set of irons i'm not they're just two shots side by side i felt like i hit those very similar. And swing wise everything else felt the same yet the result was. So totally different [Music] that's actually worked out okay again i thought i wasn't far off. And it's miss green by mile so before i come on to hitting the last club the four iron which i'm the most worried about hitting i've got to say these irons do feel really good out the middle they look fantastic. But would i recommend you buying them absolutely not the reason being they are. For the elite of the elite player ricky fowler is one of the best players in the world. And he wants his irons just like this the people that are gonna be buying these irons are either super cobra fans that i mentioned. Or massive ricky fowler fans who've got some disposable cash and they want a nice presentation box to keep at the house or to hang on the wall but i wouldn't recommend playing them but if you want to see me play with him out on the golf course and maybe challenge one of my friends hit like on this video we'll try and get that set up i'm gonna embark on one final challenge with this foreign all right guys picture the scene it's 2026. i finally got my pga tour card i've made it out on tour and i'm stood here on the 18th fairway here at pebble beach i've got to make birdie on the last to beat bryson deschambeau rory mcelroy dustin johnson tiger woods to become the next.

Champion i'm 230 yards out i've got my four iron in hand my bladed not rf for i'm a rs for iron and i've got to i've got to hit a world i've got one shot to pull this off i've got to think positively. But this would not be the club i would want to be stood over in this situation crowds are in anticipation i cannot miss left water's left there's a tree on the right there's trouble all the way around the green come on rick go go go oh no [Applause]. And uh i don't get up and down i'll end up making double bogey and lose the tournament guys thanks for watching instead she's lots more to come i enjoyed that but i would not put them in the bag i'll see you next.
