In this video i'm gonna give you the tools to help you play better golf by showing you how to hit a high a low shot a fade and a draw dead simply four balls four different ball flights to help you play better golf so before we start and i'll show you the four shots why is it important to have these shots in the locker well if i'm honest it just helps you play better golf because the conditions on the golf course can vary all the time as you know it might be windy you might want to play it lower you might the greens might be harder. So playing it up in the air might get the ball to stop on the green better and to be able to play a right to left shot a draw or a left or right shot fade could just give you that accessibility to get closer to flags to get closer to pins when they may be more tucked away there's lots of advantages to be able to play different flights of shots so let's start off with the low one let's talk about the shot that's going to give you the best advantage of playing let's say into wind now. For all these shots i'm hitting i'm hitting the seven irons so just a middle iron but a lot of these rules go for pretty much all the irons in your bag so let's talk about hitting the low one first it's a couple of really key factors to hitting it lower we've got to reduce the loft of the golf club and we ideally we've got to take a little bit of speed off the shot speed and loft equal height so we need to go less loft slightly less power to get the ball coming out lower now because of those factors yes you might want to club up you might want to go. For a six iron instead of a seven and that will also help you hit a little bit lower. But then.

Regards to actual setup there's a couple of things that you can you can experiment with. But i'm going to start off with the first one the one thing we cannot get by if we want to hit the golf ball lower we've got to make sure as we're coming into impact we're getting the shaft leaning forward we've got to de-loft that head now a lot of players that will give you the best advantage of doing this is to start off with the shaft leaning forward to almost preset that shaft lean therefore. as you come into the ball you can have that shaft lean again that's something really important to consider the next.

Thing to do is make sure when again you're going. For a low shot you don't hit at maximum power so my top tip for this we get to the feeling of trying to swing 80 now for some golfers that might be actually swinging back 80 in length and swinging through 80 in length to take that power off for other golfers it might be doing a full swing but just an 80 speed compared to normal again i'll let you be the judge of that you can experiment with this. And then.

The final thing and this is again this is player by player base ball position typically i was always with this kind of impression growing up as a kid get the ball back in your stance you know make sure you trap it now it depends on your type of swing if you hit down on the ball a lot already that might not suit you. So experiment with ball position i'd now play my ball position i'm trying to hit it lower just back from center i don't go as extreme to the right foot anymore so main things shaft leaning forward shaft leaning forward impact and we're going to hit the ball softer 80 speed as i mentioned i've just got the ball back from center that way we can hit the ball much much lower that'll be absolutely perfect if we ain't hitting into the wind. And i've got to try and flight it lower that's low done first [Music] shot number two the high shot i like this one because it gives you options when you're playing on the golf course if you've got to try and again get to a pin that's on a firmer green let's say you've got to send it up in the air and the advantage of that the ball comes down steeper and lands quicker stops quicker now to play it higher we're going to focus on two things we're gonna add loft we're gonna add speed there are two main objectives here. So when we look at setting up with a again i'm hitting seven nine for this demonstration as i'm setting up to my golf ball this time i'm not like the low shot gonna try and lean the club super far forward my main objective here is to have the shaft pretty much level at address. And the ball position just in front of center so slightly further forward than normal for me so i'm not going to get the shaft leaning forward i'm adding loft. And then.

I'm going to add speed like we don't want to back down on this we want to hit this one fast yes it's a bit more of a risk when you add speed granted because the strike might be jeopardized. But if you want that big tower in flight that's something you've got to consider so loft we're adding we're going to make sure we swing with speed. And the final little nugget of information this is a really good one as well is get the sensation that you're going to finish with really high hands try. And finish with hands much higher in your finished position because it'll help change your angle of attack to help you hit the ball much higher so i'm going to add loft add speed. And finish with super high hands and compared to the first shot that has gone unbelievably higher notice something as well let me show you this very quickly this was the first shot i've actually replaced the divot now. But that was my first shot that divot i took. And i'll replace that again in a minute because i was hitting down i've taken more of a divot this the divot from my second shot notice how it's much more shallow that is me finishing with my hands higher causes this more shallow angle to help me hit the ball up in the air [Music]. So shot number three the fade the shot that will start left at my target. And finish back on my target typically a fade will fly nice. And high it'll be a really controlled shot now i'm gonna carry out this it's not my favorite shot to hit in the world i'm much more programmed to hit a draw but i will obviously show you how to hit the fade. And how i would also adapt my setup if i for a golf who struggles to fade now the main two goals that we're looking for is the swing path has to be moving to the left of our target we've got to be cutting across the golf ball with the club face aiming slightly to the right of that path if we can get that kind of set of ingredient the swing going to the left. And the face slightly open that's where we're going to create that curvature. And that flight now to do that with a fade if i'm going towards a target my target's just down the middle of the fairway there as i set up this golf ball this time i'm actually going to slightly move my body alignment more to the left. So i'll set up my feet and my shoulders and my hips i'm just getting my my body alignment slightly more to the left hand side because that's going to help me swing more across my body the other big thing to do when trying to hit a fade is make sure the face doesn't wrap over. Or rotate too quickly you don't want this club face closing as you're coming to hit the ball ideally you want the face to be staying nice and square and neutral slightly open as you hit through the shots you've got to bear that in mind you've got to make sure that your hands or your arms aren't being too active you've got to have the sensation that your hands and your arms are being very passive through the ball. And that's why it's much more controlled shot this fade so i'm going to aim my club just slightly left of my target line i'm gonna aim my body more to the left. So my body's going much more towards the left side of the fairway here i'm gonna have this feeling that i'm gonna swing from out to in. So i'm gonna cut across the golf ball and keep that face nice and neutral nice and passive to hit that fade so as you can see move it starting up the left hand side moving back towards fairway it's a really controlled shot it's one of the best phases of it. For a while really controlled shot gives you the advantage again to attack pins that are slightly closer to the right side of the green good option to have [Music]. So this shot is the draw the one that starts to the right of your target. And then.

Curves back towards your target it's a very very desirable shot i think. For a lot of certainly golfers who may be they're more tendency is to slice it. Or to curve it to the right to hit a draw is like a dream let me show you a really simple way of how to do it now the important factors here again is face. And path relationship they're the two things that are going to help you hit this draw if we want to start the ball. And we want to draw it we've got to make sure that our swing direction is going towards the right hand side you're going to be hitting more from into out with the face slightly left of that line. So if i draw a straight line going towards target our club's going to be moving from the inside of the golf ball more to the outside. And again the club face is going to be just left of that line if we get the face too far left you're going to curve it more to the left because it'll start to straight. So making sure we swing to the right side with the face slightly closed now to help with that we'll just chain set up if i was aiming dead straight. And hitting a straight shot my alignment would be straight but because i'm not trying to do that i'm trying to hit a draw i'm going to look at getting my alignment my feet my hips my shoulders more favoring the right hand side of this fairway i'm then.

Going to preset just slightly preset the club face slightly to the left of that. So the face is still technically right of our target. But it's aiming slightly left of where my body alignment is going towards now. For this here now we're going to make sure as we get to the top of the swing we make a change to the swing. And we drop it more from the inside and get that feeling even before you hit a shot more from into out and this time i'm not opposed to allowing the club face to rotate slightly getting the toe of the golf club to slightly rotate using your forearms will help keep that club face left of your path. But still working on it being slightly right of target so the draw the most desirable i like hitting a draw it's my favorite shot to hit i'm going to set up to the golf ball i'm going to slightly alter my stance. Or maybe more to the right my feet my shoulders my hips i'm going to slightly only a slightly almost a degree if that slightly close the face inwards i'm going to swing long down the line of my feet. And allow the club face to react with the the path to create that curvature and as you can see there it started up the right hand side. And then.

Finished right next.

To my other four shots if i'm honest i've hit four shots there low high fade and draw give you the instructions of how to do it really good tools to have in the bag guys if you've enjoyed that video make sure you smash like subscribe to the channel it's free to do got loads of reviews to help you play better golf loads of coaching to you'll understand the golf swing a little bit more. And again reduce that score we'll see you next.

Time guys that's the four shots they'll really help you play better golf.